they're not home to find us now..

Nov 10, 2004 20:12

and she's feeling more alone than she ever has before

CRAP!!! i had this whole wonderful journal entry typed out that completely was my feelings and said perfectly and now.. it suddenly disappeared when i pushed update. FIGURES!!

Ok so here we go again, this time i just say screw it i'm goin to be blunt and say names.. no he her she it them they us you it whatever i'm running out of pronouns. Lately I've been getting really upset with all of this drama and two-faced-ness that's been going on lately. Amber, babe, i love you.. but you really need to get over this whole brittany thing. i remember one time you said to me how you wish you two could be friends and how you want to stop all of this drama and you love her, etc etc. so whats the deal? then you turn around and you are saying all of this stuff that totally changes that. you're causing so much un-needed drama. so you hate her. then keep it to yourself. you don't need to go broadcasting it to the world and saying how much you hate the way she walks, talks, her clothes, whatever.. that's just being really immature. it's not so much the fact that she is not your most favorite person in the whole wide world, but the way in which you say it.. "i HATE her" you can't just say.. "i don't really like her all that much" it hurts me to know that two of my good friends hate eachother. it also hurt me when you tried to get everyone against brittany, tried to get everyone to hate her, just because you did. i hate to say it, but it was really immature and i'm disappointed in you for trying to do that. you wonder why our whole group of friends hasn't hung out all together for a while? well that's why. because everyone can't grow up and learn to deal with people who they dislike. get. over. it. so brittany and rob are back together? be HAPPY for them, don't bitch about how it's a horrible thing, you act like the world just froze over. Rob is happy, brittany is happy.. let them be. you say that you really care about him, if you care so much then why are you so against the idea of him being happy. why are you trying to tear him apart from one of the people in his life who makes him truly happy. have you seen them together lately? it's adorable, they're both so happy. and then you are there trying to put a damper on the mood. you can't blame it all on brittany for the reason that you and rob are not as close as you used to be, thats not fair and you know it is not true. please, just let them be. maybe you still have feelings for rob, maybe you dont, but if you do.. trying to tear him apart from brittany is not going to do much good.. he won't be happy and if you are a true friend, that is what you would want for him.
another thing, you say that nobody ever listens to you when you want to talk. i am ALWAYS there for you. how many times have you came to me to cry on my shoulder? many times. wou said that you are sick of people coming to you for help but then not being able to reciprocate and listen to you when you need help. hen the hell have I ever turned you down? NEVER. i have never turned ANYONE down when they came to me. never. even if i honestly did not care or i did not have time, i listened. i tried my best to make them feel better. so next time, think about how many times i have been there for you. i will always be there for you. i'm not pissed off with you, i am just aggrivated with this whole never-ending drama.
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