Title: Trying to Find the In-Betweens
Genres: Pop, some electronic, and alternative.
Fandom & Pairing: Skins; Alo/Mini
Notes: Basically what I want to see come from this pairing. I love that they seem very comfortable around each other and just genuinely happy. I want build up to their relationship and for them to start off as friends, good friends, before they go from that into a relationship. Most, if not all, of the songs are pretty self explanatory.
(no back cover since every time I made one it looked like shit)
01. Young Blood- The Naked and Famous (Alo/Mini)
We lie beneath the stars at night
Our hands gripping each other tight
You keep my secrets hope to die
Promises, swear them to the sky
02. Hang With Me- Robyn (Mini)
And if you do me right
I'm gonna do right by you
And if you keep it tight
I'm gonna confide in you
I know what's on your mind
There will be time for that too
If you hang with me
03. She's Got You High- Mumm-Ra (Alo)
What's this about? I figured love would shine through.
We've lost romance this world, it's turned so see through
Open your mind, believe it's going to come true
Keep romance alive and hope she's going to tell you.
04. Something to Believe In- Aqualung (Alo/Mini)
You talk too much
Maybe that's your way
Of breaking up the silence
That fills you up.
But it doesn't sound the same
When no one's really listening.
05. I Still Remember- Bloc Party (Alo)
And I can see our days are becoming nights
I could feel your heartbeat across the grass
We should have run
I would go with you anywhere
I should have kissed you by the water
06. Consequence- The Notwist (Alo/Mini)
Leave me paralyzed, love
Leave me hypnotized, love
07. Sweet Disposition- Ellie Goulding (Alo/Mini)
A moment, a love
A dream aloud,
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs,
A moment, a love
A dream aloud.
A moment, a love
A dream aloud.
08. Falling- Florence + the Machine (Mini)
I dance with myself, I drunk myself down
Found people to love, left people to drown
I'm not scared to jump, I'm not scared to fall
If there was nowhere to land I wouldn't be scared at all
09. Birds- Kate Nash (Alo/Mini)
Right, birds can fly so high, or they can shit on your head,
Yeah they can almost fly into your eye and make you feel so scared.
But when you look at them, and you see that they're beautiful,
That's how i feel about you.