(no subject)

Jan 22, 2005 22:56

hey wow i havent updated in a long time
sry bout that i sure u missed my life stories...
yeah so i cant really remember the last time u updated so ill just say my weekokay
okay so this me we started a new semester. awesome. yeah so my classes are okay...kinda, none with nimmi or mary or kimi :( that sucks but i have math with bri britt alyssa and whitney now so thats awesome! civics jenn, health shruti, english jenna, band christina jenny mary podlaski kimi (i think thats all), spanish ashley, math bri britt alyssa whitney, bio kim b. kim a. and morgan. yeah so thats pretty much eveyrone. no boys thats i know...yet ;)
yeah so yesterday (friday) i hung around. cleaned. played rollar coaster tycoon (yesh! and beat it oh yeah!). and slept
today (saturday) i chilled then went to lifetime for a little while then target to get some stuff n then came home. then i called jenny and she got her snowboard!!! its soo awesome! she got a zena rossinal 05'! its kinda cool cause i have the zena rossinal 04' yeah but anyways so we really wanted to go snowboarding so we did and it was freezing!!! OMG!!! my butt is still thawing out :( but it was relaly awesome cuase she got carving down so we looked pretty awesome.
but this one time goin down i was doin a toeside turn and fell right on my knees and it was sooo icy out that it felt like i was hitting cement! and it killed! :(
i got soo beat up today: (ones with :( faces hurt the most)
1)sliped and fell getting into the car
2)ipod clip rubbed against my skin so much, made me bleed :(
3)bandit killed my hand (bit, scrached)
4)hit my back on the locker in lifetime :(
5)some guy ran into me when i was getting a drink for the drinking fountain and i bumped my lip really hard
6)zipped up (and pulled out) but hair in my coat
7)froze my butt of
8)crushed my hand :(
9)killed my knees :(
10) rolled 3 times down the hill (that one was kinda fun though)
yeah thats it
it sucks
okay im gonna go get warm
sarah <33
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