Oct 28, 2007 13:10
Sometimes I think the less people you know the better... LOL Just to be honest.. I rather have a few close friends than a large amount of associates. No real reason for this statement more like an observation.
I had a blast this weekend.. I went to the movies.. I saw Gone Baby Gone.. eh.. it was okay.. but i prefer more lighthearted movies.. I just went to see it because my roommate wanted to see it and there was nothing I really just wanted to see except why did I get married by Tyler Perry and I had already seen it on Bootleg.. SO. lol that was out.. plus my roommate had already seen it. So I went to the movies got back about 12... then when I was watching Harry Potter.. and my neighbor called and she wanted to know if I wanted to go to the club with her and her friend.. and I was like sure.. So I went.. it was cool... Kinda basic.. 10 dollars to get in.. LOL and I really didn't dance.. I just kinda watched.. I did dance a little and then... I had a drunk harass me.Happened twice.. i was standing on the edge of the dance floor and he grabbed my hand and was like lets dance.. but the thing is no music was playing they were having the Halloween costume contest.. he was like do you dance.. im not a bad guy.. Im not.. LOL Then I was doing the cupid shuffle found my little rhythm and then here he comes.. dancing up on me I was like I am going to hit him.. if he doesn't get off me.. LOL I was like stop and gave him a bump... he left me alone.. he was a strong drunk too and then.. lol a little later he grinded up on the wrong one.. bf started to defend.. LOL somehow the drunk ended up on the floor.. knocked out his shoes.. he fell so hard.. I was like is he dead? lol He finally got up. lol Bouncers took him out the club. so that was fun.. when we left I went to my neighbors apartment and talked to her for awhile then I got in my apt about 4 in the morning.. then I slept most of the next day! lol Then that afternoon I went to the haunted union.. it was fun... there was a haunted house thing.. what was crazy was they wanted us to crawl.. LOL I was like crawl through the tunnel So I crawled.. LOL quickly.. LOL Then they had a dance was suppose to be for the college students but lots of little kids took it over and they were dancing so hard and quite well.. LOL It was funny... So I had lots of fun this weekend.. the only thing is.... everything I do I wish G was here.. lol and I find that I am much to self conscious to dance.. LOL A girl is gonna have to get a little tipsy.. LOL Today I don't have much planned I am going to take my neighbor to work and then I am going to go to the store.. get some things.. Anyhow, take care and God bless! ~ Kissed