
Nov 08, 2005 11:20

So.... classes are going well, I have 3 exams this week: Spanish, Economics, and Accounting... plus an English project due Friday. That will be fun. Not to mention I have my pledge final on Thursday!!! It's gonna be tough but I'll just study study study. I can't believe initiation is on Saturday! ::excited:: It's been so much fun, and we as a pledge class are 'becoming one' ::hand gesture:: But seriously, we are getting so close and it's so awesome. Sara and I are getting our hair done on Friday!! We're both kind of nervous since it'll be a new place and new places are always scary- especially with curly hair! Some people just don't know how to cut it. But! I am so freaking excited and what we're doing will be a surprise to everyone! e e e (that's my excited squeal). Don't ask if you don't know.

10 DAYS TIL PARIS, GERMANY, AND SEEING MY BROTHER!!! I'm so happy I can't even explain it. I haven't seen my brother in a year. I know I'm going to start crying on the plane or when I see him or something. We're so close, and to not see someone you love so much for a year.... damn, it's tough. Europe will be so fabulous though. Nathan is going to be our tour guide since he already knows everything there is to know about everything historically (it's true, you know). The flight is 8 hours and the time difference is 7. Friday we leave at 6, will get there at 8am on Saturday even though we only flew 8 hours!! Crazy! Then! Coming back we'll be leaving Germany on Friday at 5pm and get back home at 6pm. So even though we'd be flying for 8 hours it's like we disappeared time-wise! Cool beans! The jet lag will be interesting... and I'll be so FREAKING confused about the days and what time it is that going back to school two days later will be interesting, but omigosh so worth it.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to see Eric before we leave, and that means it will be at least a month before I see him, and if he isn't home when I get home, it'll be a month and a half because of finals. Effin sucks. We don't have any choice though; we'll deal. (I'll just be sad!)

Today I'm skipping accounting because 1). We're learning new material that will NOT be on the test Thursday and I don't want to confuse my brain 2). I am using the day to catch up on ALL the homework and notes I have to do from last week and for this week, plus get some study time in for the 4 tests. Also! So I can finish decorating the paddles for my daddy and God-dad (in the fraternity) man they fricking rock!! (I am proud of my artistic ability to paint these paddles, not gonna lie). But alas, I must get working on my shit! Later kids.
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