(no subject)

Oct 02, 2008 19:45

i have to say it. I NEED MORE LIBERAL FRIENDS! not that i don't love my mccain supporting pals, i just wish they would be more open minded. "if obama wins he's gonna get assassinated" "he has no experience" "he's MUSLIM!" blah blah blah. first of all, no, i am not naive enough to think that prejudice doesn't exist in America still today. i know there are still some people who think that just because he's "brown" (fyi, he's not technically african american. his father was from kenya and his mother was white, therefore he's biracial) he's not competent enough to run our country. i say that's bullshit. the last time i checked he was still an intelligent man (with a bachelors degree in political science from columbia and a juris degree from havard law) who was supported enough to become senator and a presidential nominee. secondly, he has WAY more experience than Sarah Palin who would become president if our 72 year old republican candidate were to croak. sure, she's governor of our nation's largest state, but what people fail to realize is the meek population of said state, her lack of foreign policy experience (seeing russia from your backyard DOES NOT count), and the STUPID decisions she has made while in office (ever head of her "road to nowhere"? yeah. real smooth.) not to mention how publicized she's made her personal life. yes, her 4 month old son has down syndrome, it's a shame. yes, her 17 year old daughter got knocked up but is marrying her boyfriend (who is less than willing). what does that have to do with her campaign? no one really knew about dick cheney's lesbian daughter; i don't see why it's relevant. ALSO, i hate how conservatives are so thrilled to get a woman VP candidate when they were so opposed to hilary.

i know there are some people who oppose him because of his beliefs, and there's nothing i can do about it. i know there's always going to be hate in the world. i just wish people would stop being so damn ignorant.

note: not that i think any of my friends ARE ignorant, i'm just saying in general.
also, i hate sarah palin. plain and simple.

btw, i got my absentee ballot in the mail today. BARACK TO THE FUTURE!
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