Jan 22, 2004 21:22
Well I had my little birthdday dinner at my house tonight. All of my family and the Reardons were here it was very crazy. I decided that I wanted cheeseburgers and baked beans for dinner. So right before we were about to eat my Dad went to cook the hamburgers and we're all sitting in the living room and the living room has a slidding glass door out to the porch which is where the grill is. So my Uncle Ron goes wow your grill gets realllllly smokey and my Dad went out there and opened the gril and there was this huge thing of flames. They were going above his head and I seriously thought it was gonna catch the screen on fire. It was hilarious and Sarah Reardon was sitting next to me saying wait shouldn't somone help and everyone else is just like Ohhh ahh ohhh. Then I also got to sit in the kitchen while my four boy cousins ate and the littlest one Tommy whos probally like 4 sang " KETCHUP KETCHUP KETCHUP HE IS THE KETCHUP MAN KETCHUP!! It was probally one of the craziest birthday partys I ever had. I also reminised with Sarah R about girl small group memories-the brawl between Justin S and Andrew S, the sleepover, when Darbi yelled at Jereimiah, the crockpot, the small group shirt making, the beef and the chicken. Oh man that was probally the best time in my life. Girl small group ruled. Here's what I got for my Birthday -My aunt Pam drew a litttle picture of me, my aunt Jill gave me hot pink flip flops, Sarah Reardon gave me 15 dollars to marble slab and shes gonna get me the new Five Iron Frenzy cd of their last concert when it comes out, and my aunt Barbra and My Grandma both gave me money. It was very nice and its still not even my actual birthday yet. But I have to go to bed early so that I can wake up for school tomarrow cause hopefully I can make my mom give me moeny for McDonalds breakast cause it rules and then no eating the rest of the day so I can get ready forrrrr......OUTBACK! And man am I excited.....I'll write about how goooood it was tomarrow....