More About Me.....

Jun 11, 2004 09:05

In The Beginning.....
Who are you: Cara
Where are you from: Long Island
Birthday: October 9, 1987
Are you tired of answering those same 3 questions in every quiz u take: yeah
Why did you decide to take THIS quiz: because i'm bored....and i love JESS!

*How do you feel about.....
Homosexuals: i like them, not when they hit on me!
Heterosexuals: that's straight right?
Bisexuals: i like them as well, just not when they hit on me!
Christians: i like and i am
Pagans: Who?
Harry Potter fans: I LOVE HARRY POTTER!
anime: acorrding to Jon and Will i am an anime character ! haha
Star Trek: eh, no
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: umm no
Friends: LOVE THEM
Will & Grace: good show..i like Jack
Religion: faith in something
Politics: no into it
Gay Marriage: don't support it
Straight Marriage: support it
Marriage in General: wonderful thing for a man and women in love
Disney Movies: i am a disney movie Junkie!!
Diet Soda: diet coke with lime is soo soo soo good
Music Piracy (MP3 File Sharing): whatever

*Ooooh... Look at all the stars....
Is Christina Aguilera a slut?: yes
Is Britney Spears a slut?: umm not as bad as christina
Did Janet intentionally let her boob flop out?: YEAhHhhhha
Did Michael molest those kids?: umm don't know don't care
Did O.J. do it?: i think so...but who knows
If you had to star in a same-sex love scene, who'd it be with?: ummm no
opposite-sex love scene, who would it be?: no comment
Who's your favorite actor?: Tom crusie & Heath ledger & Jermey Sumpter
Who's your favorite actress?: Jennifer gardner & Lindsey Lohan
Favorite Musician or band?: Incubus,Maroon 5, Audio A, Dashboard & John Mayer & Jack Johnson
Favorite author?: whoever wrote Peter Pan & the Outsiders
Favorite stand-up comedian?: Brian
Favorite athlete?: um don't have one
Favorite model?: Cindy Crawford
Favorite Talk Show host?: Wane Brandy & Regis Philmen

*More about you.....
Are you single or are you taken?: this <3's taken
What do you do in your spare time?: RUN Dance stupidly with Em and sing in the shower
What are your creative outlets?: WRITING & Designing
Do you have a webpage?: nope
Do you read/write fanfic/slash?: what?
What is in your CD player right now?: Matchbook Romance & Hanson
What is the last TV show you watched?: MTV Movie Awards
What is the last thing u said out loud?: loud
last thing you ate?: Frusion and that oh so good cake for Phil and Jim
last thing you drank?: Frusion
What are you wearing right now?: grey softe shorts, Montauk shirt with blue express tank underneath and old navy flip flops
What do u lie awake thinking about at night?: i don't i sleep as soon as i hit the pillow
How many pillows do u have on your bed?: 5
How many things are there in you room that have to be plugged in?: 5 things
How long have u lived at your current place of residence?: 16 years (my whole life)
What (if any) jewelry do u always wear?: my clada ring, my high school class ring, my montauk shell ankelet and my watch
Do you have any tattoos?: not yet haha
Do you have any piercings?: 4...two in each ear

*Social Life......
Where do you like to hang out the most?: kris's..John's...YG
Are you usually the designated driver?: no
Do you drink?: sometimes...haha
Do you smoke?: no
Do you do drugs?: no
Do you dance at clubs?: i dance
Do you talk during movies?: HAHA yeah they always complain about us lol sam & Kris
What is your favorite restaurant?: Casta Ristica

Pop Princess(es): SPICE GIRLS!
Boy Band: Hanson & 98 degrees!
Rocker Chick: ahhhhhh
Rapper?: J kuan

Color?: PINK
Food?: Stuffed Shells and string cheese, TOMATOS :)
Drink?: Tazoberry & the new strawberry thing at starbucks
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