Jul 22, 2004 17:39
its been a while .. t0ok this from my xanga !
YAY !! i am finally h0me fR0m camp !! 00h man i d0nt thiNk theRes been a camp quite liKe this 0ne .. fiRst 0ff .. me ; bRitty ; moRgan ; shneckie ; loryn ; gabby ; jess ; amy ; jessie + kRisten went !! W00 !! me + gab + morgan + beste alL made tHe same couRt team whiCh was awes0mE !! + we had an amazing c0uRt c0ach wh0m we alL l0ved <3 bec0z she was s0 nice + didnt make us run THAT muCh !! tHe d0Rms were s0 diRty buht we suRvived =] hAha .. that was orgasmic ; maKe that s0und 3 timEs fAst ; lesbiEins ; wateR b0ttLe ; j0hn j0hn ; teXting the wR0ng peRs0n ; aChing ; g0ing d0wn steps ; d0minos ; maKing dRinks ; getting 0n the r0of ; bRitty in my faCe ; h0w is hE in thE saC ; i have a bF lE0 he's a cat ; g0ing d0wn sTeps ; 'what aRe y0u heR bitCh ' ; baRrel r0les ; UH i liKe it liKe tHat ; bananna ; 'its gonna eAt my bangs' ; BURPING + CATCHING G0LD FISH was amazing !! i caught 30+ in my m0uth .. buht what can i say ;) + me + emiLy w0n sh0Rt couRt t0urney !! W00 =] man c0nditioning was a bitch buht 0theR wise it was fun EW !! publiC sh0weRs aRe GR0SS !! AH and a lotta dRama comes even at vB camp l0l loRyn flipping 0ut
w0w i tHink i bR0ke my tHumb + my feet aRe sw0lLen + my anKle + my kNees huRt [ no comment cassy] + i am ready t0 g0 t0 beD !!
ARGH !! isNt it amazing h0w mucH pE0ple cHange 0veR 5 dAys ?? i mEan cHeese + riCe .. it mAkes me angRy !!! ... AND c0ngRats t0 matty milLeR wh0 g0t his peRmit s0on we`lL bE cRusing + when i c0me 0veR we can dRive t0 wawa l0l !!! tHanks f0R being tHeRe matty !! <3
0k need t0 unpaCk ; SH0RE + BRITTY IS G0NNA BE THERE IN 2 DAYS =] <3 amanda borckle [ that was f0R you shneckie ]