Aug 04, 2005 16:08
Mmmm.. fun day! lets see this morning i talked to a few people..found out about a few things. *haha i'm sorry but the whole Snaggletooth thing is still making me laugh* anyhow, but it made me realize some things i need to change about myself such as not being so trusting. well then i called Amy..haha sorry about that babe. and went over to her house. Lindz came over and we all just hung out. i love my girls! :) Lindz left and Amy and i got to talk everything through it was fun. Now i'm waiting for Kevin to come over cause he is making me dinner since i was upset this morning! aw!!! hehe. Then i decided that i need to throw a lot of stuff out. Stuff that reminds me of the that's going to be exciting. Um.. Not sure what's going on tomorrow. but Saturday i have senior pictures and the girls are coming with me! yay! hehe. Its sad that Lindz is leaving on Thursday but Ames and i are going to be kinda busy over the next week when her parents are gone..this is going to be interesting ;) haha just kidding.... but yeah. well someone is at the door so i got to go! i love my friends so much! you are all the best!