Activity logs for
my nidoran(f)16, gloom14 for charmeleon11, vulpix01 -
ohmygodmuffinmy gabite11 for seel08 -
annotatemy chatot12, fearow08/11/12 for seel09, mimejr05/09, weepinbell16 -
norkiamy plusle06 for dewgong02 -
akkhimamy riolu16, roselia07, turtwig02 for snorlax06, voltorb01/12 -
sleeprollmy vulpix02/09 for munchlax04, squirtle15 -
kitsuneasikaparas14, treecko14 - Anime Scramble
feraligatr04, kangaskhan03, kecleon02, makuhita05 - Crossover Guess
cacnea15, clefairy01, masquerain15 - Distorted Photo
budew11, cherrim09, magmar01 - Pokemon Trivia
magikarp09, numel05 - Anime Scramble
barboach05, budew04, claydol10, swampert07 - Crossover Guess
butterfree12, farfetchd11, larvitar15, weezing12 - From the Sidelines
absol15, tentacruel08 - Pokeball Draw
butterfree13, chikorita08, skorupi06, tauros15 - Crossover Guess
diglett09, flaffy14, mawile06, mudkip03 - Route ???
delibird03, lucario10, skarmory03 - Pokeball Draw
dewgong13, dodrio06, pinsir08, shinx06 - From the Sidelines
my torterra07 for snorlax04 -
sleepyrollmy lombre10 for munchlax11 -
takohikomy xatu01, yanmega16 for squirtle02, dewgong15 -
norkiamy gible10, dratini12 for vulpix02, snorlax09 -
annotatemy kirlia04 for nidoran(f)16 -
foxkaiyafarfetch'd16, gastly16, gible16 - Distorted Photo
meganium12, riolu16, pidgeot03 - Trivia
feraligatr10, phanpy01, roselia07, tangrowth09 - Route ???
gabite11, skorupi03, turtwig02, great - NPC Hunt
chatot12, fearow11, psyduck11 - Pokeball Draw
my chimecho16, moon stone for smoochum11, snorlax10 -
akkhimamy charizard11, charmeleon03, greatball for kangaskhan01, porygon12, magikarp14, dragonite02 -
annotatemy pikachu05/15 for magikarp04/08 -
ohmygodmuffinplusle06, probopass16, wailord02 - Pokeball Draw
ledian13, xatu01 - Anime Scramble
butterfree01, vibrava05 - Pokemon Trivia
exeggcute15, floatzel06, salamence09, taillow13, yanmega16 - Route ???
bellsprout02, lombre10, plusle09 - Identify the Pokemon C
vulpix09, torterra07, tentacruel07 - Pokeball Draw
my croconaw07, totodile09/16 for squirtle07, drowzee01, charmeleon10 -
takohikomy yanma04, noctowl04 for seel07, snorlax03 -
norkiamy eevee06 for jynx09 -
ohmygodmuffinmarowak02, meowth10, shelgon16 - Guess the Trainer
cacturne10, magikarp09, whismur02, pokeball - Card Scramble
my misdreavus14, dusk stone for kangaskhan09, blastoise12 -
ohmygodmuffinmy shinx07 for munchlax15 -
kitsuneasikapikachu16, porygon06, yanma04 - Pokeball Draw
my cherubi11 for shellder13 -
zanishamy gardevoir13 for ponyta12 -
foxkaiyamy yanma15, xatu05 for kangaskhan08, dewgong01 -
norkiamy kecleon15 for munchlax02 -
technophileblastoise06, dugtrio15, nidorina01 - Anime Scramble
floatzel06, jumpluff09, mantyke04, skorupi05 - From the Sidelines
buizel13, chimecho16, chinchou15 - Spot the Difference
totodile16, aipom15, sudowoodo03 - Pokeball Draw
charmander06, charmeleon03, pikachu05 - Lotto
sharpedo10, gloom14, snover04 - Distorted Photo
abomasnow01, drifloon08 - Trivia
fearow12, hariyama06, kirlia04, lairon04 - Route ???
croconaw07, vespiquen11 - Anime Scramble
dratini12, eevee06, noctowl04 - NPC Hunt
aipom01, fearow08, yanma15, pokeball - Card Scramble
abomasnow08, lopunny11, seadra11 - Pokeball Draw
pidgeot15, snorunt04, weedle13 - Distorted Photo
medicham15, natu07 - Trivia
dunsparce15, smeargle01, teddiursa14 - Route ???
torkoal04, nuzleaf08, larvitar03, absol06 - Crossover Guess
dusk stone, sneasel10 - Anime Scramble
beautifly02, garchomp04, slaking06 - Manga Scramble
charizard11, misdreavus14, ninjask03 - NPC Hunt
mimejr12, moon stone, spoink03 - Pokeball Draw
shinx07, shroomish07 - Trivia
dewgong10, kecleon15, totodile09, greatball - Route ???
miltank12, skuntank15 - Anime Scramble
gible10, pidgey12 - Lotto
kangaskhan06, munchlax16 - shelter
smoochum01 - birthday
blastoise08, raticate15, piloswine13 - level up
premier ball - update post
my vibrava16 for voltorb08 -
technophilemy quilava08 for voltorb03 -
pyrat_xopersian08, baltoy16 - Identify the Pokemon C
quilava08, venusaur16, spinarak11, poke ball - Card Scramble
gastly13 - Pokemon Draw
great ball - Find the Difference
drowzee11, bronzor11, gardevoir13 - Distorted Photo
my delibird07/12 for jynx08, meowth11 -
norkiamy smeargle03, kecleon12 for metapod07, voltorb10 -
technophilegrimer07, butterfree06 - shelter
smoochum06/15/16, remoraid13, spiritomb15, metapod06, zangoose08, electrode06, poliwag01, hariyama01, illumise01, vibrava16, delibird12 - join
smeargle03, kecleon12, metang02, xatu05, makuhita08, mothim02, cherubi11, delibird07, metagross08 - referrals
premier ball - update post