1UPIf you join, refer me please!
☆ player
name: lex
level: seven
card count: 612
card worth: 615
trades (by card): 113
collecting: legend of dragoon
log post ] [
mastered ]
☆ mastered
☆ collecting
☆ future
☆ far future
☆ trading
{ special }
{ doubles }
☆ extras
{hover for #}
☆ paperwork
for fable09, finalfantasyviii01, odinsphere03, psychonauts05, thebouncer06, vergil19 - arianna [4/02]
for assassinscreed217, devilmaycry306, devilmaycry419, diaochan04, gwprophecies12, laracroft08, psychonauts20 - chayenne [4/02]
for ezioauditore01, lulu01, namine04/13, psychonauts19, thebouncer17, wccube04/12/13 - becca [4/02]
trading terms
currently collecting → not for trade
futures → may trade for current or other future cards, just ask
tradeable → will trade for anything! if you're unsure what to offer, just leave me a link to your post.
how to contact me!
one. leave a comment here, either with an LJ, using
OpenID, or anonymously (make sure to leave your name/post in the comment)
two. email me @ carpe.piscem [at] gmail [dot] com
three. reply to my
post on the forums