Dear Glee, please don't ruin this for me.

Mar 30, 2011 21:26

So I'm into Glee.  I'm still a dirty lurker in the fic comms for my OTP, and I watch spoilers like nobody's business for mention of one character.

And then this.

I love Sue, mostly, except when she has a heart (it happens too much recently).  Her Vogue was awesome, Physical was pretty cool  And any mention of Bowie makes me pee a little.  But please, please Glee, for the love of God, don't mutilate one of his songs.  Or if you do, pick something from the late 80's/ early 90's that I don't really listen to, and don't make it a mash-up or a schmaltzy duet.  And yeah, it only says she's dressing up as Bowie, but they're not going to just make her look like him for no reason, right?  Unless it's a ploy by Ryan Murphy to get him to let Glee have the rights to a song.  I can see that happening.

actually using my journal as a journal, new fandom is new

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