so this is how my friday went: i was working at j.j. from 4-10, and around 8 or 9 i get a call from amanda telling me that she got into ucla. you don't know how DEPRESSED i got after i heard that. for sure i knew i wouldn't get in. and we would definitely be going to different colleges. i was in the most pitiful mood i couldn't even tell her congrats haha. I put on a fake smile and tried to possess the "jamba spirit" we are supposed to have when greeting guests. amanda was out having a really nice dinner with the family and our cousin visiting from australia and asked if i'm going to join them after i get off... i was like NO. (you can imagine from my mood). but i decide before going to a friends house...why not check, suspense got the best of me. AMAZINGLY i got in. WOW i seriously can't believe it.
yea so i'm really really excited right now!! :D
in other news.. on Thursday i asked aaron to sadies! we made shirts at nedda's house then headed to the volleyball game to ask them. the "How bout sadies" chant didn't work too well at first haha, but it managed the second time around lol. we are going shopping for pirate-y sadies wear tmw, so that should be fun.
On wednesday there was no school! We went snowboarding for the first time, SO much fun. By the end i wasn't falling TOO much, and managed to get down the slope only falling once or twice hehe. Getting off the lift is another story haha. There's a more detailed post about it on
woohoo! =)