Friends only.

Mar 26, 2007 03:29

This LJ is mostly friends-only -- not really out of paranoia, but I like knowing what's being read and by whom. I don't actively seek out new friends (meaning I rarely, if ever, friend someone first), but my LJ isn't "closed," either. If you add me, I'll generally add you in return.

My profile should give you a fairly decent, if vague idea of who I am. Caveat, though: if you take issues with liberals or Pagans (of which I am both), don't bother.

I really don't pay much mind to the "such-and-such has friended you" notices, so if you do feel so inclined and add me as friend, a comment or message would be appreciated. (Also, comments to this post are deleted fairly regularly, but I try to reply to them before doing so.)

! friends stuff, ! public

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