Nov 05, 2004 18:56
Me and siko have resumed our oc discussions. Life is complete.
I finished my theo essay at 2:58pm... I'm so going down-soon-I can feel it.
Siko, Stef and the Youngin threw a stick at me, I crushed it with my window, and drove away with a piece of it on my shoulder and completely oblivious. They laughed at me and I thought I was laughing WITH them. Bitches.
I love how she tells me when and what to write in my el jay. Write it yourself, assfuck!
PS. Love ya.
Guess who didn't screw up the bio lab this week. Uh huh. Meg almost did but lucky for her she screwed up twice.
I saw Sarah on her wanderings today, that was nice.
Was kinda afraid I forgot Moq today and got even more afraid when she wasn't in the car with maura and kt, but then the dick took my spot.
Most pointless entry ever.