Dec 15, 2016 11:18


TINA: How and when did you decide to be a fanfic author?
JENNY: I got my own laptop after I graduated high school and realized I now had unlimited, infinite access to the internet. I just kinda got sucked in.

TINA: What made you to sit down and actually write something?
JENNY: I just decided to try it out. And it was 1 in the morning. Nothing else better to do.

TINA: What is the first fanfic you completed?
JENNY: My Other Half. My first ever YunJae story^^

TINA: How did you get your idea for your first fanfic?
JENNY: I just remember looking at photos of Yunho and Jaejoong and thinking "Wow. Opposites do attract." Then it kind of went from there.

TINA: Have you had any prior experience of writing before your first fanfic?
JENNY: I would write little stories here and there but mostly for school assignments. I took Creative Writing in middle school. I also write short plays for my theatre class. That was fun.

TINA: Have you ever plagued by doubts on your storyline?
JENNY: All the time. I even deleted an entire fic once and started over because I realized it was going nowhere.

TINA: How did you promote your fanfic to readers?
JENNY: I didn't. I just wrote and figured people would find it eventually. sometimes, I put alerts in my other stories but I don't think people actually read those...

TINA: Have you ever been anxious about how the readers receive your story?
JENNY: I used to be but then I realized it doesn't matter. Even if they don't like something, I'd probably be too lazy to change it LOL. I do, however, save all of my stories because I heard there are AFF trolls who get stories deleted for no reason.

TINA: Thoughts on how you felt when you see the first comment on the first story? Do remember who is the first commenter?
JENNY: No, I don't remember. I do remember how excited I was, though. And I get a slight thrill when I see how many comments I get. I also read every single one of them. it's not hard because most of them are short but I do get the occasional long ones and those are the ones I love the most^^

TINA: How do you prepare yourself before writing a fanfic?
JENNY: I map out the story of how I want it.

TINA: Do you work out plot line or do you prefer to see where your ideas or inspiration take you?
JENNY: I map out a general plot but the small details I just let it flow out.

TINA: When and how does your inspiration or muse come to you?
JENNY: Actually, I tend to get my ideas from images or scenarios I see. Then that becomes a certain scene in my head and the rest of the story kind of forms around it. Like my story The Perfect Fit - the entire story was inspired by the photograph of Junsu dragging Jaejoong through the subway station (I think y'all know which photo I'm talking about.)

TINA: What is the weirdest place you were struck by inspiration for your fanfic? Did you write the plot?If yes what is the title of the fanfic?
JENNY: Uh...I don't remember any weird places...

TINA: How much research do you do for your story?
JENNY: Not much. Sometimes, if the characters are going to a specific place...I have the advantage of being Korean and living in Korean, so those aspects I am ready familiar with.

TINA: What is the easiest part of writing?
JENNY: Editing the finished product. When you're a grammar Nazi, its a piece of cake.

TINA: What is the hardest part of writing a story?
JENNY: Writing the actual story.

TINA: The writer’s worst nightmare the dreaded writer’s block.When is the worst writer’s block you ever had? How did you overcome it?
JENNY: Right. NOW. It helps to write the chapter bit by bit. Sometimes, its not even in chronological order: I'll write the beginning then bits of the end. Then fill in between.

TINA: Any useful tips on how to overcome the writer’s block?
JENNY: Baby steps. Don't try and finish a whole chapter. Try to do it little by little. I actually have a whole document full of drabbles and ideas which I may or may not end up putting into my chapters. You never know ;)

TINA: Have you written any collaboration with other author’s? If yes name of the fanfic.
JENNY: Nope.

TINA: How do you describe your writing style? Do you think you have your own personal writing style?
JENNY: I guess you could say I write in an...interactive form? I try to make my reader feel what my character is feeling. So for example, if there is a sudden interruption that startles the character, I'll cut the sentence off so it really does seem like they were interrup-
...See? Lol

TINA: How do you think you have evolved creatively throughout the years? Do you notice any change in the way you write?
JENNY: Not really...

TINA: How important are readers and their comments?
JENNY: I've mentioned this before but I read every single comment. They're what keep me motivated to keep the story going.

TINA: I have been a silent reader for few months before taking the steps to comment..
Any words for silent readers?

JENNY: I actually don't get what the big deal is against silent readers. Like, not all of us want to comment on EVERY. SINGLE. CHAPTER or wanna write what someone else probably already wrote. Yeah, it'd be nice if they said something but they shouldn't have to force themselves just because they feel obligated to. Besides, why should I cry about ONE silent reader when I have THIRTY readers who do comment? Glass is half full, ya know?

TINA: Do you read other yunjae fanfics? If yes name of the fanfic you loved?
JENNY: I do. Beeswaxing's Sleeping Beauty. Oh, and caleyedoscope (I'm currently re-reading law!verse and I go back to the Faerlamore series quite often as well). There's also a few more but I can't remember the authors off the top of my head.

TINA: Are you friends with any other author’s?
JENNY: Yeah. I'm pretty sure all of them are YunJae authors as well.

TINA: How do you make your stories standout when there are heaps of other stories with similar plot lines?
JENNY: I...actually don't. People pick my stories because they pick my stories. There's no trick here.

TINA: Has anyone stole your story and published under their name?
JENNY: Nope.

TINA: Thoughts on others stealing your work?
JENNY: Good luck trying. The internet is a scary place, ya know: you can't hide forever...

TINA: How do you manage your time between your daily activities and updating stories?
JENNY: I don't. Not well, anyways. Why do you think my readers are always complaining about my lack of updates? Pffft

TINA: Do you have any favorite time of the day to write stories?
JENNY: I seem to have a tendency to write in the evening.

TINA: your favourite genre to write?
JENNY: Comedy. That allows all my sarcasm to come out. I'm too weak for real angst.

AL ABOUT STORIES............

TINA: Our horny bunnies getting “it”on everywhere.. tell us the inspiration behind the fic “PDA”.This story suits our yunjae perfectly.
JENNY: Cuz it's easy to imagine them doing it in those places. That's what happens when two people are perfect for each other. It's easy to imagine them. Together. In all sorts of places...

TINA: Inspiration thoughts and ideas behind this fic “THAT’S MY BOY”…the rules, the rituals u tell us about, are they all imaginary..
JENNY: The entire story came from one scene in a Japanese yaoi manga that I can't remember the name of. I give credit to it in my Foreward, though. After that, the rest just took place. Joowon and his mother are the typical evil Korean rich mother-son duo. And the rest came from stereotypes and a whole lot of Wikipedia searching.

TINA: Few words on the story “MY OTHER HALF”?
JENNY: The very first chapter I came up with was the coffee chapter, where Yunho orders coffee but Jaejoong gives him grapefruit juice.Oh, but the idea of the story itself came from my PC wallpaper at the time. It's a photo of YunJae together and it amazed me at how the two could be so different yet so good together. I show the image in the last chapter? if you want to see it.

TINA: Inspiration behind the story “IT HAD TO BE YOU” ?
JENNY: Oh, god...another Japanese manga I can't remember the name of. it's in the Junjao? Romantica series. I think it was called Sekaichi Hatsukoi? In the anime version, there's a scene where the seme takes the uke's hand (Ritsu Onodera..I remember his name!) and places it on his crotch and whispering "Do you feel what you do to me?" Or something like that. I imagine YunJae as long-separated ex-lovers and then it just went from there. The rape was sort of an afterthought. I find evil, desperate, greedy-for-Jaejoong Yunho very attractive.

TINA: I love all your one shots.. they are short but meaningful.. where do u get your ideas for one shots. And how do u decide to make a one-shot or an chaptered fic with any idea u get?
JENNY: Little ideas. Basically, if I wanna skip the intro and get.right to the good stuff, I write a oneshot. If I write fluff and decide I want to add smut, its a chaptered fic. It all just pretty much comes down to how impatient I am to write the smut.

TINA: Still writing or you stopped now?
JENNY: Still going.

TINA: Future yunjae projects?
JENNY: currently working on two fics and a bunch of one shots I need to finish.

All ABOUT SMUT..........

TINA: Tells us why are we so interested to read taboo topics when it comes to yunjae?Ex:incest ,cheating,home wrecker etc.
JENNY: I find it hot. There's really no other reason. I could go on a goody schpiel about how I like to raise awareness about controversial topics yada yada yada. But no. I just find it a real turn-on.

TINA: How difficult or easy is writing smut?
JENNY: it's kinda hard. You can only use certain words so many times (cock, thrust, arousal, moan, etc.) Not to mention the scenarios can get rather repetitive...

TINA: Do you blush or get embarrassed while writing smut?
JENNY: Nope. I've been watching porn since I was seven. You get used to it.

TINA: How do you write the sex scene? What is the inspiration?
JENNY: It's actually really easy for me to imagine YunJae having sex. Fanart helps. The problem is putting it into words...

TINA: Have you ever watched GV before writing a smut scene?
JENNY: what's GV? Is that gay porn? cuz that's my favorite.

TINA: Has any family member or friends have ever walked on you while writing a sex scene?
JENNY: Yup. Which is why I'm really glad my mom can't read English.

TINA: Thoughts after writing your first ever sex scene?
JENNY: "Hey. I'm pretty good at this."

TINA: What is the secret of writing a sex scene that turns on your readers?
JENNY: Don't hold back. Let it all out. Like, moan if you have to.

TINA: Have you anytime in future have plans on deleting your journal?
JENNY: what? After all the work I've done? HELL NO!

TINA: Any words for the readers?
JENNY: Hi, guys! Does anyone know another word I can use for "he screamed in pleasure as Yunho thrust into him, hitting that sweet spot at an erratic pace.."
Actually, that's good. I can use that...

End of part 2.

fanficxoxo94 2

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