Jun 28, 2007 21:50
This is mostly for the non-Kathy Greenwood fans, lol. I don't really like or dislike her, but I thought this was funny anyway. I've been cataloging my video tapes of WL episodes so I've been watching a lot the past week or so. I caught a moment that cracked me the hell up. In the Jerry Springer version of "Millionaire Show", the scene ends in a brawl with Ryan on the ground while Colin "kicks his ass" and then starts fake making out with Kathy - first of all, it cracks me up that he does the turn the head away and pretend to kiss her thing, when he'll kiss Ryan on the mouth ("oh who am I kidding" - SQUEEEEE!). But what really made me laugh was when Drew hit the buzzer to end the scene. Colin IMMEDIATELY backs away from Kathy and turns to look at Ryan. I mean, he almost pushes the chick away from him. She totally ceases to exist for him in that moment. And then he reaches down and takes Ryan's arm to help him up. Guess he has his priorities!