Title: (FIC) Lost with you [3/?]
Pairing: Kyuteuk
Rating: PG
Summary: Kibum is locked in his room and he is really afraid of what will happen to Kyuhyun. And just like he had guessed, Kyuhyun is in big trouble.
CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 Kibum banged the door of his own room. The first thing his father had done when he came back home was locking him up. Kibum had been doing his homework when he had heard how someone had turned the key in the lock of the door. And the panic had crown inside him. KYUHYUN! He knew what would happen to his stepbrother if he was in his room when their parents come home. Kyuhyun was so helpless if he was surprised by his stepfather who was furious because of the magnae's little trip last night.
He kept on hitting the door but it was hopeless. He heard everything trough the walls and the door. He heard how his father yelled furiously to Kyuhyun, how Kyuhyun said he was sorry and how it wouldn't happen anymore, how his father didn't listen, how Kyuhyun moaned because of the pain, how something broke and how the front door opened and closed. Then there was silence in the whole house. He heard nothing. Absolutely nothing. Like he would be the only one in there.
The worry inside of him kept on growing.
The key on the door turned. He saw his mother standing behind the door as it opened. He was shaken. How she didn't do nothing to stop her husband from beating Kyuhyun. Her SON?!
Kibum pushed her away and ran to the main hall. On the floor, there was a chair. Or it used to be a chair. Now it was just a pile of wood. Oh no... he didn't...!
The door of Kyuhyun's room was open as he looked in. Kyuhyun wasn't there as usually. Where the hell is he?!
Kibum tried to calm himself down as he walked to the living room. Mr. Kim was reading a book on the couch and looked like nothing happened.
"Where. Is. He?!" The anger could be heard in his voice. When Mr. Kim didn't answer Kibum snapped. He walked to his father and took the book from his hands.
"I asked: WHERE IS HE?!"
The old man just looked at him so calmly that Kibum couldn't believe it. The man he called father had just beaten his brother up and looked like he hadn't done anything wrong?
"I guess he went out. Can I have my book back now?"
What the hell is wrong with that man?!
Kibum trough the book back to his father and ran to the entry and was just starting to pull his shoes on when he saw Kyuhyun's shoes next to them. He didn't go out in his free will! Kibum jerked the door open and ran to the first step. He saw Kyuhyun laying on the ground and next to him was a man with brown hair and dark hoodie. He had kneeled besides his brother and... CRIED?!
Kibum jumped over the steps when the man looked up. LEETEUK-HYUNG! But Kyuhyun was the only one in his mind. There would be so much time to think why he saw Leeteuk with Kyuhyun but not now.
"Kyun! Oh GOD...!" He had never seen Kyuhyun in so bad shape. His father had beaten him many times before but never this hard.
Leeteuk's sobs returned him back to the earth. It was time to react quickly. And so he ran back in, straight into his room, took his phone and called to the emergency number.
The ambulance came in a second. Kyuhyun was already in when Leeteuk said something for first time.
"You should go with him. I... I was just walking nearby..."
He didn't have to say it twice when Kibum was already in the car.
Leeteuk stayed there and looked as the ambulance drove away. He wanted to go to the house behind him and say couple of unspoken words to Mr. Kim but he controlled himself. Instead to going in, he closed the gates and walked home.
The way seemed to take eternity. When he finally arrived home, he saw Kangin sitting on the ground and listening music from his iPod. He looked concerned and even more when he saw Leeteuk dragging and sitting beside him.
"Hyung... I heard about Kyuhyun..." He said. Leeteuk didn't react at all. He looked like he was a sleepwalker.
"He'll be OK. Kibum had called to Hankyung and he called me. Kyuhyun will get home in a week..."
Leeteuk sighed. Somehow he felt he should have gone with Kyuhyun to the hospital, not Kibum. But of course it was right that Kibum went. He was Kyuhyun's stepbrother after all.
Kangin took Leeteuk's keys from the pocket of his hoodie and opened the door. Then he helped Leeteuk up and trough the door. He took his shoes off and went to the kitchen. Leeteuk heard how he made tea and rattled the dish.
He took his shoes off and went to the living room. Soon Kangin came with a tea cup, gave it to his hyung and sat next to him sighing deeply.
"You drink it and then go to sleep. I'll stay here over the night. I believe it's okay with you?" Ha asked and looked Leeteuk as he sipped the hot tea and nodded without saying anything.
Kibum sat next to Kyuhyun's bed. He had arrived from surgery and was now asleep. The doctor had said Kyuhyun had few broken ribs and little concussion. He was given a lot of analgesics and they kept him sleeping over the night.
Thoughts in Kibum's head were total mess. He hated his father. He hated his mother because she had done nothing to help Kyuhyun. Had his father hit Kyuhyun with the chair, which was now broken? What had Leeteuk been doing there? Why had Leeteuk been besides the magnae when he got out? Why had he cried?
Kibum was woken up from his thoughts by few knocks to the door. He moved his eyes to the voice and saw his father standing on the doorway.
"Come on, son. Time to go now." His voice was like pure ice. He wasn't even sorry from what had he done! Kibum didn't want to go with him. He didn't even want to know that man. But what choice did he have?
Hesitating he got up from his chair but before he left the room, he came back and covered Kyuhyun's hand with the blanket and sighed.
"I'll be back in the morning, Kyun..."
The awful mixed smell woke him up. He had no idea where he was are why he was there.
He started to hear some voices trough the darkness around him. He couldn't see or feel anything, but he could hear and smell. In the room there were at least two men, possibly more. He couldn't make out what they were talking about but their voices sounded familiar.
The words became more clear every second and the sound louder.
"...I asked: What the hell are you doing here?!"
"You can't be here all day! Think about your school!"
"I don't care! Not when Kyuhyun is in that shape!"
Now Kyuhyun recognized the voices. Kibum and Mr. Kim! The last person he wanted to see right now was his stepfather! He fought against the blindness and tried to open his eyes. Failed. But he was starting to feel and he could move his fingers.
Pain. The pain in his sides and back made its way to his mind. His body was like burning! Where. Am. I?! He opened his eyes with his full willpower. The lights were very bright and at first he didn't see anything but whiteness. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to avoid the lights.
The door slammed shut and scared Kyuhyun. He opened his eyes again and this time he saw Kibum standing behind the foot of his bed staring furiously the door. His hand were shaking and he bite his bottom lip to stop himself shouting out something.
"Ki...bum..." He tried to clarify his voice but it made his throat hurt. Kibum turned around, looking now totally surprised. The anger was washed away from his face like it had never even been there.
"Kyuhyun! You are awake?!" The male rushed his way to the chair next to the bed. Kyuhyun tried to get up but whistled because of the pain. Kibum pushed him gently back to lay and then said smiling:
"You shouldn't have tried that. Actually the doctor said you should be still sleeping. I guess he estimated the time wrong."
The doctor? If I'm in hospital, why am I in such a pain?
Kibum looked at him like he had read his mind.
"You have three broken ribs and little concussion. You'll be given a lot of morphine and you'll get home in a week."
"In a week...?" A week seemed to be so long time. He wanted to leave already. He didn't like to be there, be useless. Then he remembered what he had heard and turned his head towards his brother.
"Shouldn't you be at school?"
"Ash... You are starting to sound like my father. Did he hit you that hard?" He laughed and smoothly punched Kyuhyun to his arm.
"But you are right..." He sighed. "I really should go to school." Kyuhyun nodded as Kibum got up and took his bag from the corner of the room. Before he disappeared to the hallway he turned around and said:
"I'll come back as soon as I can. Sleep now!" And then Kyuhyun was alone.
Leeteuk was walking down the hallway of the hospital looking for Kyuhyun's room. He had no idea which one it was but he didn't hurry to find it. He had lied to his boss that he had problems at home so he wouldn't come to work. The boss had nothing against it but for the day off he'll have to do extra hours.
"Leeteuk-hyung! What are you doing here?" A young male shouted . Leeteuk looked around and saw Kibum standing in the end of the hallway. He started to walk to his hyung looking curious and suspicious at the same time.
"Actually I came to see Kyuhyun. I just don't know where to find his room." Leeteuk answered politely, ignoring Kibum's impression.
"Umm... It's down the hallway and the second on right." Kibum looked at Leeteuk. The man had listened carefully the direction and was already going when Kibum took hold of his arm.
"Can I ask you how do you know Kyuhyun?"
Leeteuk sighed. He had expected Kyuhyun had at least told Kibum how they got to know each other.
"He hadn't told you?"
Kibum shook his head.
"The night before last night... You know Kyuhyun was drinking with Sungmin. And Sungmin brought him to the bar. The same bar I took you when we first time practiced together."
Kibum laughed. Of course! Why hadn't he thought about it?!
"Of course! That must be why he acted so weird when he came home. Did something happen between you two?"
He let go of Leeteuk's arm laughing to his hyung's surprised face and started to walk away.
Leeteuk went to the direction Kibum had told and soon found the right room. He knocked to the door and opened it. He saw Kyuhyun laying on the white bed. The room was small and out clouding the bed there was only one chair and a night table.
"Hey Kyun." He said. He didn't understand why his voice disappeared like a water drop into the ocean. Still Kyuhyun heard him and quickly turned his head and smiled to the comer. He really shouldn't have done it. The magnae whined and his face twisted because of the pain. It was painful for Leeteuk to see and he hurried to Kyuhyun.
"I forgot my broken ribs and back pain." The magnae laughed still grinning. He is very brave, Leeteuk thought. In pain but still laughing and smiling...
"How are you? I was worried." How are you?! His in pain and you asked him 'how is he?'!
"I'm okay. I just don't know how am I going to survive. I must be here for a week!"
"I'm sorry..."
"Why? You have nothing to be sorry about! I'm just glad you are here... Wait, don't you have work today?" Kyuhyun gave him a look.
In the same second Kibum had left the hospital room, Kyuhyun closed his eyes. The pain in his ribs was driving him insane. He tried to fall asleep when he heard the door opening.
"Did you forget something?" He asked and turned his head towards the door and opened his eyes. He expected to see Kibum there but it was Leeteuk he was looking at.
"Hyung!" Kyuhyun's lips curled up and the happiness made him forget the pain. The older male smiled warmly and walked next to the bed and sat on the chair, which Kibum had just left.
"Hi Kyun. Are you feeling any better?"
"I'm still alive." Kyuhyun joked. He laughed a little but regretted it instantly. His face twisted because of the pain and made Leeteuk almost jump to the air as he saw the magnae's impression changing.
"Kyuhyun! What's wrong?" He asked, voice full of worry.
Kyuhyun smiled gently and said:
"I'm fine. It's just few broken ribs and bad back." He yawned and his eyes were beginning to shut.
"I'll leave you to sleep. I promise to come to see you again..." But Kyuhyun interrupted him by rising his hand and said:
"Please... stay for a while..." His eyes were still close. Leeteuk sighed and nodded, even when he knew Kyuhyun didn't see it. He put his hand on Kyuhyun's and the youth fell asleep, a little smile on his lips.
First two days passed slowly, but before Kyuhyun even realized it was Thursday. It was his fourth day in the hospital and the doctor came to tell him the good news: he would be able to leave tomorrow!
It was late afternoon when someone knocked to the door.
"Come in!" Kyuhyun put his laptop, which Kibum had brought to him, on the bed and looked who came in. And he was really, like literally surprised.
"Hyung! What are you doing here?!" The comer laughed and closed the door. He turned back to Kyuhyun and answered:
"You sure are amazing. I came to see you, you fool." The man pulled the chair under himself and sat on it.
"And to talk about Leeteuk-hyung..." He continued.
Kangin looked as the younger male's impression turned from surprise to worry.
"Has something happened to him?"
Kangin shook his head.
"No. Not yet. But I'm afraid there might be someone who is going to hurt him." He paused and looked into Kyuhyun's dark eyes. The magnae didn't seem to understand.
"What I'm trying to say is that I'm afraid that You might hurt him." He finally said.
"What?! How could I hurt him? And why would I?!" Kyuhyun didn't understand.
"Let me finish this." Kangin said and tried to find the right words so Kyuhyun could understand. "I know you have noticed how he behaves with you around. So please, for him, if you are going to say no to him, do it soon. Before it gets too deep..." Kangin gazed at Kyuhyun. Youth's eyes widened as he heard those sentences.
"What you're trying to say to me... is... he likes me?" He gulped and turned his glance away so Kangin couldn't see small tears in his eyes. The tears of happiness. The tears of fear. And the tears of despair.
A/N: I'm sorry this update took me so long, and sorry about my English, wich isn't that good. I wrote this in a little hurry so there might be just more than one wrong letter or word. ^^