Terror on the bus!

Aug 31, 2011 16:20

Terror. Terror. Pure Terror.

Day before yesterday I needed to route out a way to get to a job interview I had the next morning. I realized the interview was further away than I had initially expected, and not only that, but I would have to transfer from several buses in an area I didn't know.

And not only that I would be heading towards the coast.

What's wrong with the coast you make ask? Nothing. Nothing at all! The ocean, the smell of the sea, the crisp air...It's all wonderful! But if I got lost, I would end up at the seaside. And that for some reason the idea sent such terror through me that I wound up pathetically lying on the couch sobbing while my poor husband tried his darndest to figure out why a peaceful seaside would scare me comfort me. X3 (He gets A+ on being such a good hubby!)

I don't know why I was so scared, but even the nest morning I was having little fright attacks, all up till I boarded the first bus.

It taught me a lesson though. By the time I arrived the fear was gone, and I had the interview (It was terrible, by the way. I had applied for one job, but they thought I was applying for a different one that I was not qualified for, then they were pointing out how unqualified I was, and I was all confused, and yeah. I didn't get it) and I went home. There was no reason to freak out, and I'm very confused as to why I did. Hormones? I dunno. Needless to say, I'm glad it's over. ~.~

And in the good news! William got a raise! Also his work is offering to give him a training course so he can earn his license to operate a forklift! Okay, that doesn't sound so exciting to most people, but here in NZ, most jobs require a forklift license. Construction workers, grocery store employees, beauticians (Okay, not really) but, nearly all jobs require them. So I'm glad he'll be able to get that done! He also is going to see if he can get Friday's off so he can work more on his videos. Crossin' our fingers!

And the last bit of news, we also got a calling in our ward! William and I both will be teaching Primary, ages 9-11. That's about the same age as the class I taught while still in Utah! Seems I'm forever to be in Primary. X3 I'm glad though, because I taught Relief Society last week as a substitute, and Sister Smith, (the Relief Society President) said I did a great job and asked if I had a calling, implying she wanted me to teach RS. I admit I was relieved to say I was already stolen away elsewhere! X3

william, life lessons

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