Happy New Year to everyone!
I am most excited for this new month! Not because January is my favorite month, or that my birthday is the 22'nd, but because...
William comes home on the 26'th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can one say excited? Ecstatic? Overwhelmed? X3 After two years of waiting and writing letters and cursing the holidays' postponing the mail system, I will be able to speak with him again! And soon after that see him! Because he is coming to the US in March! I am happy enough to actually celebrate the New Year. One I felt would never come. X3
As for resolutions, Ive never made any my whole life...Maybe now would be a good time?
1. Share the Gospel more freely.
2. resume my exersise rutine that I had down while on my mission
3. Draw daily
4. Finish my video game backlog.
X3 Sounds good to me!
Well, I want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year! May it bring Joy and Happiness to you all!
P.S I just found out they had Michael Wong's music available on iTunes!!! Ohmywordtheregoesthelastfewbucks XDDD