in case u were curious...

Aug 21, 2005 14:14

Body: Seven things in your room:
1. lawn flamingo
2. twinkerton my gecko
3. bed my dad built
4. rainbow blinds
5. lots of 80's posters
6. 80's minnie n mickey fan
7. bean bag chair

Seven things to do before death:(i actually have a list of 100 things i want to do before I die so these 7 are off of that)
1. go to canada
2. marry the love of my life
3. have a family
4. swim with the manatees
5. own my own fashion label
6. learn to speak french fluently
7. see all of my friends with drug addictions sober and happy

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. smile
2. eyes
3. sense of humor
4. intelligence
5. respect
6. quirks
7. a kiss that says i adore you and not i want to have my way with you against your will

Seven facts about you:
1. i love underwear
2. I love vintage clothing
3. i'm a tough cookie
4. i would take a bullet for my friends/family
5. i don't see what others see in the mirror
6. i'm a vegetarian.. mostly vegan
7. i want to get my nose pierced and i'm considering getting a tattoo of an ankh

Seven things that make you sad:
1. peoples addictions
2. dead animals
3. my body
4. having to take meds to be normal
5. war
6. my brother
7. the person i love

[best girl friend]:liz, ash, jenna x2, molly
[best guy friend]: john paul, armand, nate, galen
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: no but my heart is on hold
[hobbies]: shopping,singing, watching movies, yoga, pilates
[sports]: yoga n pilates?
[car you drive]: just got my permit but subaru outback
[would you rather be out with friends or on a date]:intimate hang out with one friend
[job]: i babysit
[attend church]: no.. fellowship
[like being around people]: depends
Do you Pray?: all the time
Read the newspaper?: i read the comics
Been in love?: yes
Had a medical emergency?:yes
Had surgery?: wisdom teeth
Ran away from home? no
Gotten beaten up?: yes
Beaten someone up?: no
Been on stage?: yup
Slept outdoors?: ya
Pulled an all nighter?: ya
If yes, what is your record?: a few days
Made out with a stranger?: no
Been on radio/tv?: once
Been in a mosh-pit?: yup
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: yes
Pepsi or coke?: coke
Chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla
Internet or phone?:phone
Suicidal?: not currently
Stubborn?: yes
Open-minded?: very
Arrogant?: not even
Patient?: yup
Hyper?: sometimes
Nice?: i think so
Happy?: sometimes
Shave your head for $1000?: yes
Like candles?: love them
Believe in soul mates?: yes
Believe in love at first sight?: no
Believe in forgiveness?: ya
Want to get married?: ya
Want to have kids?: yup

that im cute
that im honest
that im real
that im talented
that that they don't understand me
that i'm quirky

I KNOW: what i want in life
I WANT: to love and be loved for who i am
I HAVE: a lot of challenges
I WISH: i was skinny
I HATE: ignorance
I MISS: my lowest weight
I FEAR: spiders, heights, weight gain
I HEAR: echo and the bunnymen-the killing moon
I SEARCH: for the good in everyone
I WONDER: how others see me?
I REGRET: nothing really
I LOVE: my friends, family, my pets
I CARE: about the world i live in
I ALWAYS: want to save everyone
I SING: low
I CRY: rarely
I FIGHT: very rarely
I WRITE: poetry
I MAKE: great smoothies
I CONFUSE: myself n others
I LISTEN: well
I NEED:to be tiny... to be respected
I AM HAPPY: sometimes
I BELIEVE: that someday i will beat my addictions
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