
Feb 07, 2010 00:46

This world has a strange affinity for making me a woman. I may be the "motherland", but I don't have gender confusion. How strange...

Latvia, I'd like to go downstairs now. I would like a little assistance right now.

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voice watchful_knight February 7 2010, 12:45:10 UTC
[Geez gender confusion, tell him about it. Not his own one, mind you, more... But he's sorted that out now. He hopes. So skdjfhdsjhfa what is this that happens frequently? If Poland becomes a girl again...]

You have turned into a woman before during an event?


1/3 voice sunflowersunday February 8 2010, 22:10:01 UTC


2/3 voice sunflowersunday February 8 2010, 22:12:02 UTC
[owait. you probs don't remember being here last time. damn ittttt.]

So good to see you again, Lithuania! I have missed you! Latvia alone just is not the same as having all of you.


3/3 voice sunflowersunday February 8 2010, 22:13:30 UTC
This mansion's odd tastes are not a matter of importance right now.

More importantly, I believe we have some catching up to do.


voice watchful_knight February 8 2010, 22:19:15 UTC
[The voice sounds vaguely familiar, but he can't really place it. Well, it would be rude to ask, but it is what he should probably do... On the other hand this person sounds really happy and he doesn't want to disappoint - him? Her? Hard to judge by the voice wherehashehearditbefore]

I was here before?


voice sunflowersunday February 10 2010, 07:20:49 UTC
Yes. I will take that question as a sign of forgetting. You remembered last time...


voice watchful_knight February 10 2010, 07:27:54 UTC
I'm sorry, I don't remember this time. Neither of us does.

Does that mean that this happens often? People coming back after they returned home?


voice sunflowersunday February 15 2010, 21:16:34 UTC
You promised you would not forget. [There's a warning in his tone; yes, Lithuania did say that it wasn't his fault, but he could at least stop lying that he'll remember when he never does. Oh Liet, I can never trust you, can I?]

Yes. It was the same with Suzaku.


voice watchful_knight February 15 2010, 21:24:43 UTC
[What is that tone? Sure, they were warned that Muskovy-Russia had changed, but ...Lithuania will be way better at picking up what Russia's tone means. Right now, he guesses that the other is just a bit disappointed because they had something before they left that was important to the other nation.] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. What time was I from when I was here last?

A friend of yours?


voice sunflowersunday February 15 2010, 21:49:55 UTC
[Yeah. He's also disappointed that you are not COWERING IN FEAR OF HIM right now. Sigh.] 1968.

Yes. A... citizen, in a loose definition of the term.


voice watchful_knight February 15 2010, 21:54:24 UTC
[While Lithuania is rather pleased with himself because the conversation just turned alright. Right?]

That's still some years earlier than most nations seem to be. What time are you from? I was told that you have grown a lot.

The name doesn't sound Slavic at all.


voice sunflowersunday February 15 2010, 22:19:53 UTC
[If believing that will help you sleep at night, sure.]

I am from the same. Much has changed since then. [Pause, and there's that insanely cheery tone.] I am a world super power now.

I have many ethnicities in my household now. He seems to be of European stock, despite the name.


voice watchful_knight February 16 2010, 22:27:35 UTC
[He has a Poland-pillow, that will help him keep warm at night against the Siberian winter. Careful, but not much more than he would be with any other powerful nation that ...behaves a little strange. The little that he knows about Muskovy and that he is Kiev's and Minsk's brother suggests that he is ...well that he was a cute child? Or something like that. He isn't too sure. But Ivan still is Minsk's brother. He should be sweet, if they are any similar.]

Like America, I've heard?

I haven't met him yet, but the house isn't very large so I'm sure that I will at one point. Are many of your citizens here?


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