Jan 24, 2010 02:40
[Russia's hands are neatly folded in his lap (which, by the way, is covered in a worn blanket) as he sits in front of the camera. Yes, he does indeed have his creepy smile and cheerful voice, why do you ask?]
It is always so annoying recovering from gruesome injuries. Not the pain so much as the idleness recovery requires. I am only glad I heal quickly! At least I was not so bored when I had to drag myself and my immobilized legs to the vendors to purchase a wheelchair.
Down nine stories.
Through the snow.
Thanks, America.
[FUCKING CREEPY VOICE WHY. Russia smiles wider. He's pretty fucking pissed right now.]
Thankfully, Latvia has so kindly volunteered to assist me while my knees heal! Latvia, I would like some food right now.