long overdue update

Nov 21, 2008 09:28

Meghan has really grown in so many ways in the last month or so. She is eating baby solids 2x a day now.. haven't added breakfast since she drinks most of her formula for the day in the morning and she still needs that. We're up to the level 2 foods. She doesn't really care for the meat ones yet but she loves the veggie/pasta meal combos. She can even grasp the spoon although right now it's just for play. She's really starting to "look" at everything.. investigating intently with a very serious look on her face.. She is not sitting up on her own yet and still fights tummy time although she is getting better at both. Each day she inches closer. She is starting to roll rather than scooch on her back and she will find herself on her tummy, push up, look around, then roll back over to her back. Her latest trick, which she just started doing yesterday, is to stand up when I hold her hands and say stand up or up. She has the biggest grin on her face when she does it.. very very cute! although I would prefer that she crawl before she takes off running!! She is babbling like crazy.. sometimes even responding with babble when we talk to her. She even makes the rolling r sound when she cries or is upset.. will have to get that one on record for posterity.. She is now reaching for me with intent.. she even reached for Jim the other day and will look around for him when she hears his voice when he comes home at night. This week she's been spending time in the bumbo seat in front of her hanging toys. She's also been playing with the leapfrog drum that I pulled out after she was interested in the one Cole has. Right now she just stares at the top of it and pats the sides.. eventually she'll figure out that patting the top makes it go :) She pats everything though.. another cuteness factor.. Oh and she has TWO teeth coming in.. one on the bottom that's been coming through and one on the top that we didn't even notice until a few days ago! Lets see.. she's sleeping like a champ.. still taking 2-3 naps during the day, usually goes down for the night between 6:30 and 7:30 (depending on whether or not she had a 3rd nap!) and wakes up between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning! Sometimes we hear her playing at night but she goes back to sleep. She has an occupational therapist and a vision teacher that come twice a month to work with her. They are both pleased with her progress and say that her sitting and tummy time issues are very typical of visually impaired kids due to comfort level and spacial issues. So we just keep working on it.

I think that's about it for Meghan.. Maddie is doing great too. Still loving school although she is ready and excited to have next week off for the Thanksgiving holiday! Her missing tooth still hasn't come in yet so she's still sporting a gap toothed grin :) Earlier this week we walked over to a playground that is in our neighborhood that I knew was there but hadn't taken her to yet since it's a little bit of a walk.. somewhere between a half mile to a mile probably.. she was ok with it once I told her we were going to a playground.. They have a decent playscape and a little walking oval around it.. anyway, the second time we went she was able to do the monkey bars all by herself!! She's been working up to that for a while now.. she'd go up to do it and then get scared.. but once she went across once, that was it.. she's a pro now :) It's so exciting and fun to watch my kids succeed and grow!! She's also reading really well now. We have to help with words that she's not familiar with but she can usually figure them out if she sounds them out. She still has a hard time with c vs k when spelling words but I think that's pretty typical.. she'll get there..

I've been trying to walk every day.. if not outside, on the treadmill. I went up a few pounds while the inlaws were here and haven't lost them yet but I can tell that my body is changing with the walking and that's what's more important to me. The weight will come off on it's own if I keep eating better and keep up the walking. I had bought some Harry & David's truffles while I was out shopping with the inlaws (they were on sale for $3.50 vs $13 regular price - how could I pass that up??). They are now definitely OFF my list. They are so darn good but yeah, they were gone in a week!! no more for me thank you :) or at least not a full pound bag all to myself!! bad bad bad.. otherwise we are doing really well on the eating better front.. we'll see with the holidays coming up but I don't plan on junking out.. after going up a few pounds after only a week, it's not worth it.. and we really didn't eat crap while they were here.. we ate good stuff.. i think for me it was the chocolates that killed me.. Luckily Jim is doing great. He went up a little but now is back on the losing streak and is down just over 20 lbs since we started eating better a few months ago. He had a check up with his doc this morning and he was really pleased with the progress so that's very encouraging. I'm so proud of him for sticking with it. He's been kinda looking for a new job.. something closer to home (his commute is 1.5-2 hrs each way) but it's just not worth it to move jobs right now when he's happy where he's at.. even if it is on the other side of the world.

Anyway, I think that's about it.. we're heading to Dallas for Thanksgiving. We'll be there Thursday to Saturday but I don't know exact plans yet.. Doug & Jen we will be in touch if we can work in a visit this time!!
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