Marmalade- Draco/Hermione Drabble

Jun 09, 2009 18:30

Author: sunflowerkudi

Notes: This is dedicated to my dear marmaladefever as a 'omg you're done your undergrad' and also cuz I ♥ ya. Also, thanks to reetinkerbell for being my beta, ♥ ya.

“Hermione, come out here right now!” Draco shouted, staring at the jar in his hand, wondering what in Merlin’s name was going on.

“I’m trying to sleep; quit bugging me,” Hermione shouted back, snuggling further into her pillow.


“Fine, fine, I’m up, now what has gotten you in such a twist?” Hermione put on her robe while walking towards the kitchen where her husband waited.

“What is this?” Draco asked, holding up the jar for her to see.

“Strawberry Jam, as it’s says on the jar. I thought you knew how to read by now.”

“Hardy har, smarty pants. Why exactly do we have strawberry jam and not marmalade like we always do?”

“I thought we could use a change.”

“Change! Why would we need that? Imagine how I felt, opening up the cupboard, to get the marmalade for my toast, and instead find this!” He shook the jar accusingly at her.

“Honestly Draco, does it really make a difference?”

“Of course it does! How many times do I have to mention that I only want marmalade for my toast, as nothing else compares to it? The sweet, citrus taste of it is one of a kind. Honestly woman, sometimes I think you are losing brain cells!”

Draco paced around, and all Hermione could do was to shake her head, not able to believe he would get so worked up about his marmalade.

“I was going to give you this earlier, but I forgot to take it out of the bag, but now I’m not sure you deserve it!” Hermione shoved a bag into his other hand.

Draco opened the bag, and sure enough, inside was his favourite jar of marmalade.

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