F-list cut

Feb 17, 2009 16:35

When I started on LJ a few years ago, I really didn't get the whole 'f-list cut' until a while ago. Anyways, if you have a crazy desire to stay, comment on this post, though of course it's not going to be a huge cut. Just to make it clear, it's not one of those cuts that if you don't reply I will cut you. It's more I have the people in my mind I want to cut, and if you comment, and you're on the list, you shall be left on kind of thing.

Under the lj-cut is an explanation of sorts

When it comes down to this whole 'f-list' stuff, I probably think differently than others, which is fine. For me, when you are 'mutual' friends with someone, to me, it means you comment to each others LJ. While I don't expect everyone to comment to each and every one of my posts (I’m not crazy), replying to mine every so often is nice. So, it's not too cool for me if I feel I am commenting a lot more on someone's LJ than they do on mine. I may take the 'mutual' part a bit more literal than others, but I'm fine with that. It kind of gets like 'gee I care about your life, and you don't mine' and that's icky for me. I care for my f-list, and online friends, and I take online friends seriously as I do real life, and will always be there for them. But yeah, it just doesn't feel right when something should be 2-way and it's not. You may or may not agree, but this is how I feel, and have been for a little while. Pretty much what you see is what you get.

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