romantic love

Oct 02, 2008 17:50

What drives us to love each other; it is so strange an ambition. It is not self seeking and rarely comes with gain.

Romantic love is so weird. We are prisoners to it, or so say the pop songs. But really who chooses where cupids arrow goes? Surely if we had any control we would choose more wisely, yet affection is fast forming and so powerfully ardent it takes us out of ourselves. What is the difference between Roselyn and Juliet, Paris and Romeo, but quick and fickle fate? We never choose the easiest or most logical choice in an object of affection. I can't think of ever admiring a person with out obstacle between us.

Every pair of lovers is star crossed.

I had to tell someone that I just wasn't that into him recently. Isn't that hard? Especially when you don't have a good reason. When there is a huge intersect in a shared venn diagram of interests and temperaments are aligned. Yet relationships need more than that, and the illusive chemistry or attraction is hard to come by. It worries me, where this comes from. One day, after I have found someone, I may lose it and have no idea where to find it again.
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