isn't it nice being out in the country

Aug 10, 2008 17:34

Really, we need so little to be happy. Or at least little extra, little more than what is already innate in creation. I the world holds so much to be joyful about.

Heat from the sun, cool breezes from rolled down windows

I went to the beach yesterday. I saw the homes of two of my very good friends, Leah and Lisa. They live in separate places in between this side of the state and the other. So I got in a car and ran away to the other lake on the other side of the state, and it was wonderful. I love the beach and the water.

Sand may be just a bunch of tiny little rocks, but I don't think that it is over rated. It exfoliates!

Lisa, Leah, Natalie, Bryn, Becky, me.

Leah's family made us the best dinner too, when we stopped there on our way home from Grand Haven. I loved spending time there. Her family is so full of love from the Lord.

I got sunburned though.
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