Jan 01, 2011 00:12
Because I never keep my New Year's Resolutions and usually forget the ones I made before Februrary, last year my New Year's Resolution was to not make any New Year's Resolutions.
It is perhaps the only one I have ever kept.
This year, however, I am going to make a few small resolutions and hope to keep them:
-Read more. I'm going to try for at least a book a month, preferably two.
-Draw more, sew more, make more art.
-Write more. I did very little writing in 2010, but it was a great year for brainstorming as far as original fiction goes.
-Get my butt moving on Asylum. I want to finish the fanfiction version and go on to start revising and rewriting, because if ever a story entered my head that I want to get published, it's Asylum. And if Amazon considered my dad's financial book good enough to be published (my dad's a financial advisor and he wrote a book about the national debt or something), then maybe they'll like what I'm writing. Start researching pregnancy so I can start writing Unexpected (working title). Because I could see it having a shot at getting published, too.
-Start answering reviews again. I used to answer every FF.net review as soon as I got it, but now I say, oh, I'll get to it later, and then it's months later and I never answer because I'd hate to remind the person that I ignored them for so long.
-Go red. I want to see what I'd look like as a redhead, if only for six weeks from some Hot Topic temporary color. I don't want to do it permanently, but I'd like to try it.
-Make more friends.
-Spend more time with the ones I have.
-Start eating again. Find a way to keep myself healthily fed without actually having to cook. Because I hate cooking, but starving is not exactly the best alternative. I want my mom to stop calling me Holocaust Woman. (I'm not THAT skinny, for goodness sake.)
-Become internet-famous. Okay, so more of a fantasy than a resolution, but a girl can dream, can't she?
new years,