Immune system=fail

Oct 11, 2010 19:45

(Might I pre-warn any prospective readers that this post contains references to such fun bodily fluids as mucus, but I’m assuming that if you are here, that you know me from, where I once wrote a very popular oneshot combining mucus with romance, so I’m going to assume you can handle that word.)

My immune system is made of the same kind of fail as The Secret Life of the American Teenager, Stephanie Meyer, and the modern-day Cartoon Network.

Which is to say, I’m sick again.   I’ve actually been sick for nearly a week. It started with a sore throat last Tuesday evening, but that was my only symptom so I kept working on cutting out some fabric to make my cousin’s little girl a few outfits. Around 9pm I started feeling that “I need to lay down now or I will fall over” feeling. By Wednesday morning I was actually sick. I managed to drag myself across the street to CVS to get some Theraflu and trudged back to bed and I really don’t remember anything after that. I do  remember waking up sometime around 11 that night and bemoaning the fact that my mom, who was still sleep deprived from taking care of my little brother, from whom I got this bug last week when I went home, (where was I going with this? Oh yeah.) couldn’t come until the next morning to take care of me.

Few times in my life have I ever been as sick as I was Wednesday night. I ran at least a 100.7 degree fever, I had chills, aches, the back of my throat was on fire, no amount of Afrin could keep my nose clear, my head was pounding from the sinus pressure and the congestion, my whole skull hurt because I’d been unconsciously clenching my teeth when I’d been sucking on the throat drops, and I’d had so much medicine and mucus pouring into my stomach that I felt like I was going to throw up. I was so sick I couldn’t get out of bed to get to my kitchen, so I was feeling awful, I was getting dehydrated because I didn’t have anything to drink, and I was too sick to get to my kitchen to rectify any of these problems. I was delirious, slightly crazy, and beginning to panic. I seriously considered calling 911 and asking if they could send someone to take care of me, or at least just send someone to get me some water and some Theraflu.

But then I started to think about how freaked out my mother would be if I called her and told her that I’d been taken to the hospital with a bad cold because I was so completely incapable of taking care of myself, and that if the hospital called her, she’d either rush over here in the middle of the night anyway (which I’d been trying to avoid because I wanted her to get her sleep) or spend the rest of the night unable to sleep because she’d be so worried.

Not to mention, that if I had to be hospitalized or something because I was too sick to take care of myself, my dad would never let me forget it and forever hold it over my head as a reason to make me get a roommate (I’ve decided that it is a VERY good thing that I don’t have a roommate, for the simple reason that I would make a horrible roommate.).

So. I finally managed to literally crawl to my kitchen to get some water, and then back to my bed……and I don’t remember anything after that. I must have finally fallen asleep around 1am, and then I woke up around 8 the next morning and called my mommy and begged her to come ASAP because I felt like my head was a mucus factory and my body had turned against me and I WANTED MY MOMMY.  (When I get really sick I revert to the age of 6.)

Thursday was a bit better. My throat stopped hurting, and I was actually able to get to the bathroom and the kitchen on my own, but having Mom here helped a ton. I couldn’t stand up long enough to make my own medicine, but she could. She cleaned my apartment, she did the dishes, she went grocery shopping for me, fed me, and washed every piece of clothing I own.

I felt a bit alright (relative to how I had been feeling) on Thursday, and then Friday was much worse. By Saturday all the junk had begun to settle in my lungs and the super-fun coughing part began.

I’m still dealing with that part. About Sunday I decided to try a new strategy with the coughing that involved attempting to cough up and spit out as much mucus as I could. The way I saw it, if I tried to spit out the mucus as it was making its journey from my sinuses to the back of my throat, then maybe I could keep it from getting to my lungs and making me cough.

It didn’t work.

I went to the doctor today (well, CVS’s Minute Clinic, but I don’t know where else to go around here, and my primary physician is 2 hours away. Whatever this was, it’s turned into a sinus infection, which at least means antibiotics.


So now I am laying in bed watching the ever-sexy George Clooney in O Brother, Where Art Thou? when what I should be doing is studying for my Textiles midterm tomorrow. But I just want to go to sleep, and that’s probably what I’ll do after I finish writing this.

I’m on my mom’s non-work laptop because mine is being reformatted. It wouldn’t start up. So that’s part of why I haven’t written anything in a long time. That and I’ve been busy and trying not to teeter over the edge into financial ruin.

I finished Birth by Sleep yesterday. It took me awhile because of various busy-ness, and because I started Terra’s story on Normal mode, and then switched to Proud Mode for Ven and Aqua because darn it, I want to get the secret movie for once, and anyone who’s ever played KH knows that it is easier to just beat the game on Proud Mode than do all the crap you’ve gotta do to get the secret movie on normal. (Long story as to why I didn’t just start on Proud mode, but I’ll explain it when I do my whole BBS review which will be whenever I stop feeling sick.) So then I had to go back and redo Terra’s story on Proud.

I want to go to sleep now. I promise to write something legitimately interesting later.

immune system fail, sick

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