This and That

Apr 26, 2011 15:29

Missed class yesterday. Really didn't need to; that teacher won't let us turn in assignments from missed classes unless we get a doctor's note/proof of whatever caused us to miss class.  The week before I was sick and just barely managed to claw my way to class to turn in my assignment, and then went home and slept all day Monday and Tuesday. (Missed my tuesday class but my teacher in that one couldn't care less. He's the college President. He was also basically a hippie in the 70's, so he's pretty laid back.)

I felt fine up until Sunday night, when I started feeling sick again, but after sleeping all through yesterday I've felt mostly fine.  I think it might be Alonso.  I was in Chattanooga during the weekend, so even though I had homework to do I let him out to play for a while Sunday night since he'd been cooped up, and we played and he did a lot of nuzzling my nose. :) He's very affectionate.  It was after that I started feeling sick.  Coughing, congestion, weakness, that sort of thing.  I'm allergic to nearly all things with fur, but he hadn't bothered my allergies before, however, he's shedding at the moment so I think that's the reason he's suddenly making me so sick.   He's got short hair, so it's just little hairs coming out everywhere, but when I pet him it gets on my hand and it's all over the carpet and on top of everything else my vacuum cleaner is broken.

I've been talking to people at bunnylovers about cage size for multiple bunnies, and as I expected my current cage won't be big enough for Alonso and a friend.  Thanks to the people there I've discovered that even though Alonso was sold to me as a dwarf, he's clearly got very little dwarf in him if any.  One person told me he looks like a perfect purebred Dutch, and after doing the research I have to agree that he's clearly more Dutch than anything else.  There are a lot of concerns I have about getting a second rabbit, and I know my mom isn't completely sold on it; and given that she pays for pretty much everything I kind of have to sell it to her.  Of course, she wasn't completely sold on my getting Alonso until I actually went out a bought a rabbit.

Cost of stuff for two rabbits isn't much more; one person told me it can actually end up cheaper because sometimes you can buy things in bulk and save a bit that way, but I know I'll need a bigger cage. A lot of people suggested making one out of these shelving cube things, and if my living situation was a bit more permanent that's probably what I'd do, but as it is it's really not the best option.  Someone mentioned a cage they have that could work; it's about twice the size of Alonso's current cage, and I could easily use the cubes to add a collapsible extension for even more room, and that cage is actually cheaper than what I paid for the one I have now. If I get a bigger cage I'm thinking I'll sell this one on Amazon or ebay. I wouldn't get full price back, but I'd get a good amount, and between what I'd lose on this cage and what I'd pay for the new cage I'd actually have still spent the same amount.

I'm thinking of adopting a female true dwarf for Alonso.  Him and a small dwarf should have enough room in the cage I'm thinking of getting, and a small 1-2lb rabbit shouldn't add too much more to the expenses.  You know, if I'd have known what I was getting into with this whole rabbit business, I probably never would have  gotten a bunny at all, so it's a good thing I did it mostly on an impulse because I'm so glad I have Alonso.  I wanted a bunny because I was lonely and needed a friend;  I want a second rabbit because I love Alonso so much I don't want him to be lonely either.  He's a very social rabbit, and no matter how much time I devote to him it seems like it's never enough. He always looks up at me when I walk by his cage, and he looks so disappointed when I stop petting him or don't pet him when I come by his cage, or whatever. And when I let him out to run around I have to constantly play with him, or pet him, or at least just watch him do nothing because otherwise he'll come to me and nibble on me like, "Mommy, you're not paying attention to me!!!"  It makes it difficult to give him as much playtime as he needs because I can't let him out to run around and get anything else done at the same time.  If he had a friend they could entertain each other and keep each other from getting lonely when I get really busy.

All things I have to think about. It may be easier to calm Mom down about the rise in costs if I get a job this summer and make a fair amount of money.

On the topic of bunnies I was going to put up an Easter pic of Alonso but then my day just went completely crazy and I didn't.  Easter was less than stellar this year. Mom and I were going to go to church that morning since I'd actually remembered to bring church clothes with me for the first time in weeks, and then she woke up at 3am puking her guts out.  D: I still made it to brunch at the country club with Dad, though.  It was nice to see everyone; I don't get to much anymore.  Me, Megan H (my stepsis) and Emily (Hunter's girlfriend) ended up ganging up on Hunter (stepbro) and giving him a hard time about generally everything.  How his shirt was too small and his pants were too big; how his recent facebook status was a threat to all the guys hitting on Emily where she works; how he didn't get a tux for prom until two weeks ago (prom is this friday); on and on. It's so much fun. :D

I've started feeling inspired lately on the writing front.  I've been getting a lot of ideas for my original story, and I'm starting to work out the order of some key events that I hadn't quite organized yet.  I had a really, really weird dream the other week but it inspired this epic multi-chap fic for Kingdom Hearts, which I've determined I'm going to write all out beforehand because I suck at updating.  It's going to be AU, but kind of like a Final Fantasy AU, in that it still takes place in a semi-magical world, but it's not all canon. It's quite different from what I usually write, but I like where it's going.

The other KH fic I've got in my head is still in early stages of plot-bunny-reproduction.  I was inspired watching the movie Never Let Me Go the other day.  (Such a good film, by the way. Very tragic, but beautiful.)  It mostly centers on Riku, but focuses on different aspects of the SKR relationship. It's got sokai in it, but not in a shipperish romantic way, really. It's sort of about watching your two best friends fall in love and then fall apart and what that does to the whole dynamic of the friendship between the three of you.  I've got some nice scenes between Riku and Kairi and Riku and Sora in my head. Overall I think it's going to end up with a sort of dark and regretful tone about it.

I've been watching a lot of understated dramatic films lately. First An Education, then Never Let Me Go, and an indie film on Netflix called Happiness Runs, which was this crazy movie about these modern teenagers who grew up in a hippie commune, and how far from the perfect utopian children their parents intended them to be they actually became.  A great line from the movie that sort of sums it up, "They were going to raise us to be perfect in their perfect new world. And maybe it was perfect, for a while...They were never supposed to get old, and we were never supposed to grow up." Or something like that.  Of course, reality is that these kids all grew up to be sex-addicted, drug-addicted, alcoholic, and fifty other kinds of seriously f-ed up by the time they were eighteen, because growing up around constant, indiscriminate sex and drug use, what do you expect?

Eh. Lots of writing today.  Sorry for the rambling. 

movies, fanfiction, writing, alonso, posts that are too long

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