Title: I'm An Ordinary Man
sunflower_petal Featuring: Kim Ryeowook
Fandom: Super Junior
Rating: G
A/N: This was inspired by the song “I Am” by Super Junior.
It’s pitch black and the roar of applause and screams fill my ears. My eyes desperately look out in front of me, searching, but I can’t see anything apart from flickers of light from glow sticks and the shine from balloons.
The music starts and I’m forced to concentrate.
Keep in time. Keep in rhythm. Don’t mess up. Don’t disappoint.
A fake smile graces my face. I’m enjoying this. This is what I want to do.
Finally I can stop moving. The stage lights are hot and feel like they’re burning me. My body is laden is with sweat but I gave it my best, I gave it my all. There isn’t anything more anyone can ask of me.
With the stage illuminated and the crowd before me visible, I search for the face I long to see.
It’s not there.
I give a sad sigh before wearing my smile and getting into position for the next song.
Keep in time. Keep in rhythm. Don’t mess up. Don’t disappoint.
I smile a little bit more with each of my movements until finally I’m smiling so much I feel as though I could cry.
I hold back the tears.
It’s what we’ve been trained to do.
Entertain first, personal lives later.
She’s the reason I'm able to sing and dance.
I grin and bear it, putting more effort into my motions, determined not to be beaten by the feeling of disappointment.
It’s finally over, but they’re calling for an encore.
Our gracious leader smiles that dimpled smile and motions for us to get into position for our final song.
Keep in time. Keep in rhythm. Don’t mess up. Don’t disappoint.
The stage goes dark again and the sound from the audience is loud enough to burst my ear drums.
Backstage was full of pats on the back, hugs of gratitude and tears of happiness from performing another great show.
Still I don’t cry. I can’t.
I hear my name being called by a familiar voice.
I turn around to see the person I was searching for.
A genuine smile spreads throughout my face as I race over and give her a hug.
I let the tears fall as she holds me tight, cooing soothing words into my ears.
I say many bitter words to her, asking her why she wasn’t in the crowd and why she didn’t watch the show.
I can hardly hear her answers due to the loud beating of my heart in my ears and the sobs from my mouth.
She lets me go despite my protests and another set of arms wrap around me from behind and the faint scent of coffee and wonderful enter my nostrils.
Words of encouragement trickle from his lips as he squeezes me tighter for a job well done.
As I receive a gentle kiss on my cheek from him, she smiles happily and mouths a heartfelt thank you at him for looking after me.
She nods her head in appreciation before she looks at me with the proud eyes of a parent.
“Your mother is so proud of you, Ryeowook.”
She smiles again, giving my arm a gentle squeeze.
Her figure gets further away as she keeps on walking, and even though I know I’ll see her at the next show, I can’t help but feel sad.
He hugs me tighter as my tears start to flow again and he lets me cry in his strong arms, just holding me tight.