Jun 14, 2006 00:46
Answer these questions in two words.
1. Yourself: uniquely sensitive
2. Your Car: Lucy's favorite
3. Your Hair: wild mess
4. Your Mother: role model
5. Your Father: ehh, no
6. Your Favorite Item: colored pencils
7. Your Dream Last Night: I wonder...
8. Your Favorite Drink: fancy cosmo
9. Your Dream Home: simple cottage
10. The Room You Are In: messy bedroom
11. Your Pet(s): unconditionally loves
12. Your Fear(s): occasionally controlling
13. Where You Want to be in Ten Years: Happy Frappy
14. Who You Hung Out with Last Night: my sweetheart!
15. What You're Not: overly confident
16. Your Best Friend: my husband
17. One of Your Wish List Items: new toilet
18. Your Gender: vagina, duh
19. The Last Thing You Did: wash dishes
20. What You Are Wearing: almost naked
21. Your Favorite Weather: soft raindrops
22. Your Favorite Book: has words
23. The Last Thing You Ate: turkey sandwich
24. Your Life: forever changing
25. Your Mood: probably bipolar
26. The last person you talked to on the phone: My mama
I wish sometimes that we could say everything in just a few words. It makes you really think more deeply about things. It makes you want to get things just right.
I slept A LOT today. My dreams have been crazy and nonstop. Sometimes I wake up and then just go back to sleep so I can continue dreaming. Now I just need to start writing them down!
David has infection in his hand. We had to go to the emergency room last night because his entire hand swelled up because of it. Now he is taking medicine and keeping it elevated, and jut trying to rest. He gets so depressed when he has to take off work, and he didn't even work the hot dog cart. He thinks he's terrible if he isn't constantly doing something, and when he is sad, I am sad. It's so crazy how alike we are. I'm just trying to take care of him the best I can.
I have a lot on my mind right now. Not really anything bad, just...stuff. My life just changes every day so much, and it's hard to keep up. I'm trying, though, and that is all that really matters.