Oct 15, 2009 00:25
I have been moved from the grill to desserts. Basically a bit of a downwards move as wasn't fast enough on grill. I have much less experience than everyone else, 6 months (and a year course) as opposed to over ten years so not surprising really. Plus points are that I can probaly sneak mouthfulls of mis-shapen cake and the sludgy icecream from the bottom of the cartens. Downpoints are that there is not much chance for improvement as the restaurant basically buys in the desserts rather than making them, also the dessert person leaves last, often missing the last train and has to get the night bus which takes ages and is less safe. Also there is no need for a dessert person on weekday lunchtimes so they have put me on the rota for 6 days not 5, meaning I will return home after midnight on 6 days will even less chance to meet anyone. Next week I have Monday off..... social suicide! On the plus side I can get up later, watch daytime tv (sky which has some decent stuff on unlike the normal channels and can actually get a full nights sleep. Also this will give me some time in the day to look for a new job than isn't so crap!....ha!