Nov 27, 2007 21:56
Well here I am at school, surprise, surprise. I have been here in the photography lab since 4:30 and here it is almost ten, yay. I am totally wore out, but I am happy for the progress that I made. The semester is really winding down fast, my final portfolio is due next Wednesday, I have my final in photography tomorrow, wow. I have my big paper for history to finish up and my extra credit to finish up as well, then I have my final project for history to do which I almost forgot about or I would have already had it done or practically done. I am all signed up for classes for next semester, and I didn't even have to be on the waiting list for 119. Whether Eric gets that job in Boston or not I am still finishing up the Spring semester at Purdue. He will be the one to go first and get things situated, and I do not want the kids to have to move when school is still in. If we move then it will be over the summer. I am really excited for Eric, hell I am excited for all of us but I am going to hate having to move again first of all, and then moving away from both of our families, sigh, but it is for the greater good, and I do not want to count our chickens before they hatch because he has his interview on Thursday and then there is still another interview after that, a 5 hour long interview at that. I have all the faith in the world in my baby, but if he happens to not get it then that is okay because there are plenty of other opportunities out there for him. I have always though about moving out west, well I already did when I moved to Arizona for about a year, but that did not count because I was just running away from myself or attempting to anyways. I want much rather move where the weather is warm all of the time, but Boston is a very interesting place and I loved Phily even though we did not have near enough time to explore and take pictures of everything when we were there.
Alrighty, I have to get off of here and take my pictures out of the wash and lay them to dry, ta ta for now.