My mom

Feb 06, 2015 11:49

My mom died today. She was the strongest and most loving woman I've ever known. She stood for us and for anyone in need. She was smart, and taught me to love books. She was talented, and taught me to love and play music. She was under 5 feet tall and I saw her throw a 6 foot smart ass biker over her shoulder. She showed me that I could be anything I damned well pleased in a time when most women accepted defined and limited roles. She was my best friend, and the world is a sadder place without her. But it's a better place in the end because she lived here.

I love you Mom.

EDIT: Thank you everyone. Reading your words today was one of the few things that made it bearable. *hugs you all*

EDIT 2: February 14, 2016. Dad joined Mom tonight, wherever they may be. They were very much in love, and he couldn't live without her. We are all trying to live without them.
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