[ficlet] VF: Kitten

Dec 12, 2009 06:43

Title: Kitten
Pairing: Asami x Akihito
Rating: PG
Spoilers: none
Warnings: waffy, because, you know, kittens
Disclaimer: They all belong to Yamane-sensei

This is so tiny I normally wouldn't share it here, but I haven't written anything is so long that I thought I should. Forgive me if I'm a little rusty. :) I wrote it for my friend Kat on her birthday, hence the subject matter.

M did a cute drawing for her to go with it, which I link to at the end (it's slightly NSFW).

The little orange and white furball stood on top of Akihito's head and hissed in his general direction.

"It's the cigarettes. He hates the smell of cigarettes. Well, that and he's a good judge of character."

His gaze dropped from the angry green eyes to the amused brown ones below.

"I suppose you'll just have to give up smoking," the boy continued, an impish gleam in his eyes.

"Or drown the cat..." Asami muttered.

"You did not say that." Akihito protectively took the kitten into his arms. "Besides, wasn't he a gift from you?"

"Asami giveth, and Asami taketh away." It wasn't his favorite book by any means, but he could quote it like the best of them after being subject to it at that damned English prep school.

"What the hell does that mean? Are you lisping now?"

"It means as far as you're concerned, I'm God. And it's church English. They always lisp. You should be glad I didn't say it in Latin."

The kitten crawled up onto the shoulder he'd wanted to be nibbling on right about now.

"When I told you to pick something out at the jewelers, I didn't mean out of the cardboard box in the alley behind it."

"What would I do with a piece of jewelry? He's cute, and fun, and lively, plus he needed a home. Don't you think he's sweet, Asami?" Akihito rubbed his cheek against the small cat and smiled, his whole face showing his happiness.

"Ah. Very sweet," he admitted, not seeing at the animal at all.

"I knew you'd start liking him! Here, hold him while I take a shower." And the tiny kitten was dumped into his lap.

For a few seconds after Akihito ran out the door, he and the enemy stared at each other, beams of green bouncing off the beams of gold. Neither backed down. It was hard to scare something that didn't read the Financial Times. A little admiration grew in his heart. It was not unlike a certain scene on a rooftop not long ago. He chuckled and rubbed the kitten under its chin.

"I don't suppose if I threw you off the roof..."

"I heard that!!!" rang out from the bathroom.

Dammit. The brat had ears that could pick up anything. He smirked. "You know, kitten, you're so cute I might have to get one for my girlfriend, too."

Three... Two... One...

Akihito's suds-covered head poked out the bathroom door. He stuck his tongue out at Asami. "No good. I know you're lying. Old men don't have the stamina for two mistresses."

Then he realized what he'd called himself, swore and slammed the door shut again.

Asami laughed.

He'd not had this much fun in years. What had he done to amuse himself before Akihito came along? He couldn't even remember having any, except when crushing the occasional upstart. That paled in comparison.

A purr from his lap made him glance down. The little furball had curled up and gone to sleep. The body was soft and warm when he stroked his finger along its spine. He could understand Akihito wanting to keep it. Soft and warm and affectionate, needing protection, and amusing to no end when provoked.

Sometime later, his own kitten stopped in surprise as he stalked from the bathroom, wrapped only in a towel.

"He's sleeping..."


"You're petting him..."


His boy was coming closer, his eyes curious and sweet. Asami snagged the towel from around his waist and made a circle with it on the floor, then gently laid the kitten within it, Akihito watching him, both bemused and annoyed.

Pulling his own kitten into his lap with one hand, the other stroked along his back. "Soft and warm..."

Akihito sat up straight, bristling. "Are you comparing me to that kitten?"

"You're much cuter." Asami nibbled on the shoulder he'd been eyeing all afternoon. "And tastier."

"You tasted the kitten?" Akihito asked drily.

"One doesn't need to taste cat litter to know it's a bad idea." He moved up to just under Akihito's ear, nipping, then smiling a little when he heard the purr he'd been waiting for. "Besides, taste one kitten and you've tasted them all." And he bit down on Akihito's earlobe.

"Hey!" Akihito jerked away, blush rising on his cheeks, a benefit to him having no fur. "But you're not going to be mean to him, right? You're not going to put little cement blocks on his paws and throw him into Tokyo Harbor, right?"

"He's so small I'd only have to throw him into a mud puddle..."

Akihito glared, his brown eyes defiant and very much like the green stare he'd received earlier. It made him feel... indulgent. "Yes, yes, I won't hurt him." Asami reached down and gently ruffled the kitten's fur, his broad hand practically covering the whole body. The kitten mewed sleepily and turned into the warmth.

For once Akihito softened and leaned against Asami's chest. "See, a little gentleness and he loves you."

Asami's hand stopped moving. He raised his eyes and looked at Akihito's face, but it was pointed at the cat, clearly unaware of what he'd implied. Even if I'm not a gentle person?

But all he said was, "I'll keep that in mind."

And if he was a little kinder in his lovemaking that night, neither he nor Akihito ever mentioned it.

There wasn't really need though, when it was obvious that the kitten adored him.


M's drawing (slightly NSFW) ^___^

takaba, asami

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