[fic] VF Christmas drabble: Christmas lights + omake

Dec 20, 2006 13:45

Title: Christmas drabbles: Christmas Lights + omake
Characters: Feilong and Tao, Tao and Akihito
Ratings: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Warm and fuzzy first story, and the omake is of course completely unreal.

Note: The first assumes the past for Feilong and Tao as written in this short of mine: Guardian.

And nafra, I wrote this with you in mind since I wasn't here for your birthday. I hope it was a good one. *hugs*

Feilong entered his private sitting room, intending to call it a night after one drink. He'd had a long day. More run-ins with the Russians over the casino. Why couldn't they understand that it was important to him? Did the mafia not have fathers? He snorted softly. Asami was probably hatched from some alien egg somewhere, but the rest of them should be human.

He glanced to the right and paused in surprise. He'd sent someone for Tao, but the boy was already present, standing at the window and staring at the night.

Feilong felt a little slighted. Tao hadn't even turned when Feilong had entered the room. That had only happened once before, years ago, soon after Tao had come to live with him. At that time he could tell Tao had been crying, but that he hadn't wanted to show such a face before his master. Feilong had assumed he was homesick, and had allowed him his privacy then.

But he didn't think the child was crying tonight. He cleared his throat and Tao spun about in surprise.

"F-Fei-sama..." Tao's face quickly became composed.

Feilong thought he'd seen some things in that unguarded moment. Longing. And grief. He kept his voice casual. "Tao. What were you watching so closely?"

Tao's eyes slid to the window, then back to Feilong. "The lights, Fei-sama. All of the lights, especially the ones for Christmas."

Feilong moved to the table where a decanter of brandy stood, and poured himself a snifter of it, talking while he did. "And why did those bring such a look to your face?"


Feilong moved to his favorite armchair by the window and sat, with drink, and gazed down at the same city that his page gazed upon. "You looked sad. Usually when you're sad, it has to do with me. Have I or someone I know done something that makes you sad?"

The boy shook his head. "No, Fei-sama. Of course not. It's just..."

Feilong sipped at his brandy, letting its rich flavors burn down his throat. He tilted his head. "It's just what?"

Tao turned back to the window. "The lights just remind me. Of a time before I was with Fei-sama."

Feilong almost choked when guilt suddenly stabbed at him. He'd never told the boy the truth of that. Of how his parents had died.

Tao continued, not noticing his master's reaction. "I don't remember much of anything about my parents. But I remember one time very clearly. I was sitting on my father's lap with my mother, and it was dark except for all the colored lights on the Christmas tree. I can still remember how good the tree smelled. And I remember my mother telling the story of Christmas. And I was warm and happy."

Oh God. They were in that chair I sat in after I killed them. Feilong took another drink of brandy. This one wasn't a sip, but a gulp. He wanted it to burn away the memory. But it didn't. It never did.

Tao had leaned against the window, still looking down at the city. "At first, when I came here, I didn't understand why there wasn't a tree like that. But then I realized of course that a dragon had no use for western celebrations. And perhaps it was a sign that I should grow up. But seeing the lights each year... It reminds me." He fell silent, but didn't turn back to the room.

Feilong was feeling the effects of the alcohol. He could tell his composure was slipping. "Tao... I'm sorry." His hand flew to his mouth. He hadn't meant to say that. The child had no idea....

Tao finally turned from the window, curiosity replacing the melancholy on his face. "Sorry for what, Fei-sama?"

So many things. But mostly for stealing those moments from you so they're only vague memories. God... Did your father ever have the chance to tell you he loved you?

He shook his head, letting his hair hang down across his face so Tao wouldn't see the shame there.

"Tao, turn the lights off, would you?" The better to hide in.

It was several seconds before he heard Tao walk across to the light switch. The room darkened. That was better. He raised his head. The Christmas lights of the city flicked on and off, as if signaling his guilt.

He jumped when he felt Tao's hand on his arm.

"Fei-sama? Do you know what Christmas is about?"

"It's the Christian's myth about how their God came to be incarnated. But it has become other things." He waved at the city. "Commercial. About getting presents."

"Do you know what it's about for me, Fei-sama?"

Tao was looking at him strangely. He didn't have any idea what the boy was getting at. "No. Tell me."

"The baby, Jesus. He was born here, but his father stayed in heaven. So when he came here he didn't have one. But the man who married his mother took him in and became his real father and loved him and raised him. The lights, they remind me of my first father in heaven. Christmas though, it reminds me of you."

Feilong blinked rapidly as hot tears spilled onto his cheeks. This admission, along with memories of his own father, his real father, the one who raised and loved him, flooded his heart and the emotions were overpowering.

The liquor glass was pulled from his hand, and he felt Tao's small hand smoothing his hair. "I'm sorry Fei-sama. Please don't cry. I only wanted to make you happy."

The idea that he was depending on a child to comfort him, a child he should be comforting, sobered him. He wiped his eyes on his shirtsleeve. "No Tao. Forgive me. The brandy. It made me maudlin for a moment."

He pulled Tao down onto his lap, holding him as a child holds a loved toy, drawing comfort from his simply being there. "We have something in common then, don't we?"


"You and I and the child Jesus. We were all very lucky in the end, were we not?"

Tao looked up at him, confused. Ah, Tao didn't know about his father. There was no need to go into that secret. "We all had someone to love us, even when our fathers were not there," he said vaguely, unwilling to say more, but for once seeing himself a little more kindly.

He changed the subject. "Come. Let us watch the lights a little, you and I, and you can tell me the story of Christmas. Why don't we start a new tradition tonight, one that remembers the past with happiness and looks forward to the future?"

The boy happily snuggled into his chest and began talking, obviously reciting the words his mother had told him before. And as they fell into the tale of hope that had held families spellbound for centuries, the lights of Hong Kong twinkled gaily below them, holding their own against the darkness.



Tao was on the rooftop of Baishe headquarters, watching Fei-sama's sheep. He didn't want to be there. He didn't like the sheep. What the hell had that Arbatov been thinking, giving Fei-sama sheep? Stupid Russian. That's probably all they have in Russia, sheep. Why couldn't a Frenchman fall in love with Fei-sama?

All of a sudden, a light shone above him, and a voice rang out.

"Fear not, for behold, I bring you -"

"Akihito? Is that you?" Tao squinted up, trying to see through the bright light.

"Cut it out Tao! You're supposed to let me finish!"

"OK, but you have some explaining to do. Like how you got up there."

"Shhh! I bring you good tidings of great joy -"

"What, Asami's dead? No, Arbatov's dead!"

"Tao... Oh forget it. I'm coming down there to join you." Akihito climbed down from the top of the air conditioning unit. "Asami might be able to force me into these clothes, but he can't make me finish this."

Tao examined him critically. "The halo is crooked."

"He did that on purpose."

"The wings look kinda mangled."

"Don't even go there. Here, have some manna from Japan." He handed over a box of Christmas Pocky.

"So Asami's downstairs?"

"Bringing Joy to the World."

Tao patted Akihito's arm. "Don't be sad. Maybe Fei-sama will shoot him and not miss this time."

They sat in silence a while, watching the stars, listening to the sheep baa-ing.

"This is pretty surreal. Where did the sheep come from?"

"The Russian."

"Oh, that explains it."

Silence fell again for a while, until Akihito broke it once more.

"You know Tao, the message I was delivering, maybe it means something more."

"Why? What was it?"

"Well it ended with 'on earth peace and good will toward men'. You think maybe Asami was trying to say something?"

Tao looked at him thoughtfully. "You know, this is Asami we're talking about."

Akihito stared back a little defiantly. "It's possible."

Tao sighed. "Yeah, it's possible, Akihito." Just not probable, but love is blind.

But that went unsaid as they sat there munching their Pocky under the stars. It was, after all, Christmas.


Downstairs, Feilong just stared at the boxes of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. He finally sighed and spoke. "Well. At least it's better than sheep."


tao, fei

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