May 31, 2007 09:28
Well today I happened to be listening to one of my local Christian Radio Stations and learned today is the Great American Grump Out Day! For 24 hours Americans are to live without being grumpy, rude, or crabby. I have decided I'm going to do my darndest to do this. Of course I'm not traditionally a grumpy, rude or crabby person anyway, but some of the people around my office think I am simply because I do not walk around with a permanent smile from ear to ear on my face. I am a naturally happy person I just happen to prefer concentrating on not walking into things or others when I venture out to the shop (which is where the people think I'm grumpy. I prefer to pay attention so I can live to see another day and if you saw the size of some of these airplanes hanging to the ceiling by a mere chain you would want to pay attention too.
That being said I have made a conscious decision to make sure I have an uber big smile on my face if on the off chance I have to venture out there. I do agree that Americans, in general, tend to be rude and grumpy, especially when it comes to driving (which is my biggest frame where I find myself being rude), shopping, parking, or just in general dealing with others. I remember when I was a child it wasn't like that. I wonder if I was just niave or didn't have to worry about that because I was a child, now as an adult it is different. No matter the reasoning it saddens me that American's have become so negative and quick to judge others or be rude to them.
I can give a great example:
Shortly after I started at my new company (this past winter) we had a very bad snow/ice storm. To get into our parking lot you had to use one of two entrances, of course I didn't at the time of the storm know there was another entrance. I started up the hilly entrance only to get stuck. EVERYONE who knows me, knows I readily admit I'm a HORRIBLE driver in regular conditions let alone bad ones. I had already had 2 panic attacks just trying to get to work and now I am stuck on a hill. I start panicking, to the point I'm about to hyperventilate. One gentleman walks past my car, looks at me and just keeps walking into the building. About 5 mins later a guy who recently moved here from Canada via England pulled in (via the other driveway lol) he walked over to me and spent the next 20 mins both calming me down and helping me get down the hill, into the other driveway and parked beside him (even moving his vehicle because I was terrified I might hit him). He then proceeded to hold my arm as we trudged across the ice slicked driveway and ramp until I was safely inside the building. He came several times throughout the day to check on me to make sure I was still ok, and followed me home that evening to make sure I got home safely! An american gentleman passes by me as if it's my own fault I'm stuck, yet this English/Canadian man didn't even hesitate to help me, even going the extra mile to make sure I made it home safely. (Plus keep in mind my house was in the opposite direction of where he lived).
This being said I'm all for the Great American Grump Out day!!!! I realize I probably sound incredibly silly to most of you, but seriously stop and think about how often you get grumpy, rude, or crabby. Are you one of the people this day is trying to target? If so just try to go 24 hours without being that way, for the sake of the rest of us!