How Many Times did you Cry Today?

Jan 25, 2006 14:20

The subject says it all, every day when I get home from work first sentence out of N's mouth is "How many times did you cry today?" What makes it so bad is that he is serious, every day for the past month - 2 months I end up in tears at work. Now I know I'm an overly sensitive person as is, but no other job have I felt like crying each and every day at. It's completely and utterly rediculious that there is any job I let get to me like this one does.
So you probably ask why are you letting it get to you. Good question, a question I honestly just can not answer. I know when I tell N what all happened today he will tell me to not even bother coming in from here on out, but then I feel guilty because I don't want to screw over my other co-workers, thats just not who I am. I have certain responsibilities that were given to me that others in this company don't even have a clue how to do anymore since the other person quit. Thing is I gave my notice, was promised someone would sit with me everyday so they could learn and out of the 4 days since (counting today) I have had someone sit me for all of 2 hours, if that. I will be off part of Friday in order to get DMV stuff I couldn't do when I first moved to town, and so this person will have to handle the end of day stuff and they have NO FREAKING CLUE HOW!! OK sorry I'm yelling, I'm just grrrrrrrrr'd. Anyway, time to get back to the slave driver, stuffs piling up, and people won't stop bugging me even though I announced over the PA that I was on Lunch for the next hour, but whatever.
deep breaths I must practice that today right?


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