Jun 01, 2009 01:16
I don't usually talk about Ecstatic Dance, here. But, I feel moved to, mostly because I've been gifted with the revelation that there are those out there who actually read this thing, and what lovely people you are! It's also a confirmed part of my Being's fabric now, so I can share it with the world comfortably, because it's so mine it can be expressed however, whenever, pretty much. And last Thursday was remarkable in a particularly fun way.
For about a year and a half, but it feels like every moment I've ever known what life is, I've been meditating through movement. Ecstatic Dance is completely freeform -- anything from shooting across the room like a lightening-fueled tumbleweed to rolling across the floor to lying completely still, whatever the music moves you to do. And when you yield completely to the frequency forces that are Music, things happen. Big things. Visions. Realizations. Mind-blowing clarifications. They just come because you're open. They come because you're moving. And the more you go the better you get and letting go of your daily mind and really allowing the Source to speak. To move you physically and emotionally and realize how viserally the spiritual element is a part of everything; EVERYTHING.
So I've been thinking about Centaurs. Do you ever hear of someone being into something, and you don't get why, so you start thinking about it to try to understand it and suddenly whoop lookie there now you kinda get it? Well everyone knows I've been reading a TON of Francesca Lia Block lately, or at least I did for the months leading up to the DISCOVERY OF MY DREAM MFA PROGRAM, and she likes Centuars. a LOT. I started thinking about their physical form, and, of course, unrelatedly I've been keeping my gigantic book of Greek Myths at close hand to work on my current YA project, so I read the chapter on Chiron. I've been thinking about the planet a lot because he represents visions and dreams which is playing a pivital role in most everything right now, and I wanted to understand him. More than that. Call to him.
So I read his story and it's REMARKABLE, y'all. We can take SO much from this. I was shocked to find out that the Centaurs are actually considered a vindictive species who abuse their foals -- none of that violence had ever come into being in the characters that Francesca seemed to know so well. And then I got to the part about Chiron. The Healer. The teacher. Someone whose wisdom was so vast, it overrode his roots. Everyone loves Chiron, and seriously, think about that for a second. WHO ELSE in Greek Mythology is loved SO MUCH for something other than just being hella sexy? Chiron is one freakin' magnificent being! So I knew that by getting in touch with the essence of who he is, the spirit behind this powerful figure, I could begin to better understand many aspects of healing. The literal herbs that he knows so well, what foods will heal instead of harm the body, and about roots. What we want to shake and change about ourselves, about the world around us. He wasn't afraid. And we don't have to be. This Cosmos is vast enough to hold anything. Everything. And we have the power to take out all the fear and doubt and horrors we don't want there, we just have to keep working at it. And know that this is an effort both inside of ourselves and so much larger than ourselves -- something that is our responsibility but we are NOT alone in it. The Source knows and understands all possible realities, so there won't be judgement over which one we choose to bring in the third dimension. That's both liberating and scary, because it means we have to be up for this. You think we are? I think we are. All of you definitely seem to be, and I know you have friends, so...
But WOW I really sidetracked just then. So anyway in Ecstatic Dance that night I really focused on Chiron. And suddenly I saw myself as a Centaur -- realizing -- though I don't use my staffs when I Dance -- that I almost have the figure for it, if you think of those walking-clicks like hoofs. I felt completely honored. So I saw myself as a Centaur and I went into this gallopping move of some kind making myself as grand and mythical and Vast Cosmic Healer Schooled By Chiron as I possibly could (it's a lot easier to pull off when there's music playing!) and afterwards a girl who had never come in before said she really liked "this -- I was doing it too." In a year and a half I KNOW I've never inspired a move before. I've never even thought of that -- it made me feel, really good in a huge way. And they say there are no female Centaurs? WhatEVS!!
So here's a funny thing: I had NO IDEA the full moon is going to be in Sattitarious this month until tonight! YE-AH! Centaurs abound!!
But I digress again.
When I got home, I was giddy with the energy of some wonderful movements and fantastic clarities and some seriously beautiful women (it's an all woman class and I usually don't notice such things in the studio because of where we go in that space but wow SUMMER'S IN THE AIR) so I needed to really ground myself with something. So I ate a deliscious catfish springroll (curried catfish, not fried) from the Whip-In featuring fresh peppers and carrots and mint leaves -- SO OMG THIS IS WHY WE SUFFER THE THIRD DIMENSION, THIS IS THE PAYOFF Y'ALL, like that kind of sensory experience, not kidding, and I watched Across the Universe.
I haven't seen it in about 6 months, and man. Man. How that movie speaks to my Soul. Brings it out and makes it stronger. See you know what's odd -- I didn't grow up with the Beatles. My childhood was James Taylor, Joni Mitchell, Cat Stevens, Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder. In the 60's my dad was a MoTown kid; it was his soul-brother John Parker who loved the Beatles. And when I say LOVED I mean waited on the steps of Smith's Records in New Orleans EVERY TUESDAY before it opened when they had a new record, and seriously had a WHOLE ROOM in his pre-Katrina house dedicated to nothing but Beatles music including a VAST collection of bootlegs. He's basically my godfather (although I have a pretty extensive godfamily in my father's many and magical friends) but I can't think of the Beatles with out thinking of him, obviously.
So anyway, I watch this movie. And it's pretty much like hearing these songs for the first time. The Truth and Depth and Genius of them. I almost tear up just to think about what the Beatles tapped into. No other band could've held the massive frequencies that ushered in such magic and transformation at that time. Look how they Began and look what they Became. It's unbridled Divinity, truly -- what else can you call that kind of asension, and what other frequencies have touched SO MANY at one time? I'm not saying the guys themselves were gods. I'm saying they made out with the Source on an hourly basis and it was obviously GOOD.
"uuuueungh but it didn't work ueeeugngh"
You know what I say to that? Of course it didn't accomplish everything. The human race wasn't ready to give up the third dimension yet. We're still not, as a whole, HENCE THE BEIN' HERE. God, Altamont was tragic. Blasphemous in the worst way. Not to mention other horrific events masquerading as tribute. It makes my stomach ache to think of it. But -- everything has its shadow. And with so much light, what was hidden was bound to come through, and it's okay that nobody knew what to do with it. What's NOT OKAY is not to learn, or worse, to learn and act like you haven't. And that's part of our problem now, to put it simply. But we're working on it, yes? I thought so.
Because the world is round it turns me on...
Hearing this song feels like going home.
Oh. Not sure if this is relevant, but the familial Beatles fan I mentioned, asked me last time I was in New Orleans if I've ever done any psychedelic drugs. I have not. But, for whatever reasons, people always laugh a little and go, "Really?" when I say that. Wasn't planning on talking about this but my thoughts is that such things have the danger of lifting the veil WAY before you've prepared yourself to see Sophia's face, you know what I mean? I feel like if the thought that you need an external substance to get to this place enters your consciousness at all, you do yourself the disservice of forgetting that it's natural for us to go to these realms and they are a part of who we are, where we live, and are with us in our happenings. My dad is so with me. SO WITH ME. Our relationship evolves by the day when we connect and I share his presence, but paradoxically that never removes the pain of not being able to hug him physically, the way we're doing in photographs. That's actually what got me thinking about Chiron in the first place, and roots. I wondered if there really is a point we get to where we're so in touch with the Everything of Everything that we know longer grieve, ever. But as I write this I figure that's not the case. Physical is transcient. Always always always. When we endeavor to do something, anything, on this realm we endeavor to risk its loss. and we say, YOU KNOW WHAT, PERSON OR RELATIONSHIP OR STAGE OF LIFE OR CAREER? YOU ARE SO AWESOME YOU'RE WORTH IT.
Daaaaaaaaaaaamn, what trust it takes to be here!
And we can also say, everything we lose will lead to a Finding, if we're strong enough to stick around for it. Ever wish you weren't? Of course. But you know what's awesome? We are ALL HERE. And props to each and every one of you for stickin' out this whole Life on the Third Dimension thing. If there's one thing that everyone on my friendslist has in common it's Intelligence, and life is NEVER easy for intelligent people. But we make it worth our while, don't we. ohhhhhhh yeah.
So here's something funny. In order to insult me in a youtube comment (yeaaah I know) someone said, "the 60's are calling, they want you back, quick!" This morning.
Well damn right they're calling. And I have an answer. My answer is "It's gonna take a while, but we're doing it better this time."