Been a VERY long time

Aug 04, 2006 14:21

Yeah, ever since I just got lazy and decided to not update my journal at all, I've decided to update it ^_^ This time it's not a rant! WOOOoooo! Lol yeah, actually I wanted to celebrate the making of my firstt layout Sunfire249. It took a REALLY long time since I've never actually done a layout before and I really wanted to make one with tables and such but... The tables kept on getting really screwed up. The renders used would have to be credited towards PlanetRenders, and the brushes used aren't my own creation either (I'm so lazy ^_^;;) I did however create the background and the piccie, and the little sub heading things, so I'm fairly happy with how that turned out :D

So anyways, I decided to post since I have a plan:

So, I've decided that I wanna change... I don't know how much I'm gonna change, but I wanna change. I want to change alot of things about me, from the good to the bad habits, from the way I think and so on. I feel that, when I get my hair cut my change shall be complete. I'll be changed. I really want to change, and mostly to be honest it's because I'm selfish and I want to change for myself... But who isn't like that, you know? I just... I really don't feel like being me anymore. I just feel like ridding myself of this shell of a person I once was.

I feel that... I'm not me anymore, you know? Even though people will probably think, "Well, you won't be yourself when you change so why do it now?" Well, iunno. I really can't answer that question. I feel I'm not me anymore, I don't have anything that's me anymore. I feel that I'm just a mirror of everyone else or... Maybe they're a mirror of me. Iunno. The point is, is that I need a change, I need something to live off of instead of just staying me.

Lol, the reason behind this may seem kinda petty but... I remember after the decision to get my hair cut I was reading this whole thing in this forum, and it was talking about how guys liked girls with long-ish hair. And, that just made me want to cut my hair even more. I feel that I want to prove a point by cutting my hair, I want to prove a point by changing my look. I don't know how it's gonna turn out, but I know that I want to change, regardless if it's good or bad.

So yeah, that's my story. I hope that I can actually keep up with this thing again, but we'll see what happens, right? ^_^

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