Small medical update.

Jun 27, 2024 21:06

Back on March twenty-eighth, I had lab work done ordered by primary care physician. All the results were normal except for my calcium level which was elevated. This was concerning as I was wondering if this could be due to recurrent hyperparathyroidism. This was the first sign of elevated calcium level since the surgery back in April of 2023. Usually my doctor contacts me a day or two after any lab work is done, so when I didn't hear anything, I sent a message through the online patient portal on April seventh. I finally got a reply today. Better late than never eh?

Hi Ray,

The normal PTH is reassuring. At this time not a risk for hyperparathyroidism. The Health Network Lab has acknowledged calcium labs running higher lately & have worked on improving this lab result & the acceptable ranges. The calcium of 10.5 is considered mildly elevated. You do have labs ordered for September however it may be reassuring to have a special calcium lab done sooner, called ionized calcium, to confirm that this level is also ok. I have ordered it for you. You may do it now or wait till the rest of the labs in September.

Dr Erschen

Needless to say, I'll be getting this lab done tomorrow morning (Friday) as I would like to know where I'm at with the level of calcium in my blood. I'm hoping for a good result.
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