Nov 29, 2013 13:51
I have read in a few journals on Fur Affinity that state that at Midwest Fur Fest, there was some "infamous husky guy" that stalks fursuiters (in and out of suit). Does anyone know who this person is? Has anyone actually spoken to him to find out whether he's a genuine "creeper" or just someone ignorant to social etiquette? There were also reports of a heavyset guy that kept sneaking into the headless lounge as well. This guy was reportedly not a fursuiter nor anyone's handler. It is common sense to understand that stalking anyone is never acceptable behavior. It is clearly stated in convention rules of conduct lists that stalking is not allowed, yet some people are too dense to understand that. It's perfectly fine to like a character and admire a fursuit. It's perfectly fine to say "Hi!" to a fursuiter when they are out and about at a convention. What is not okay is constantly following that fursuiter around, trying to interject yourself into everything that person does at the convention. While it's true that some fursuiters do not talk in suit, just because they don't say anything good or bad to you, that does not mean they automatically like you and want to spend time with you at a convention. It's also a good idea to practice good hygiene. If you really want people to find you a good person to be around, try bathing/showering, it goes a long way! Remember, fursuiters are people, they paid a fee to enjoy the convention just like everyone else. They are not paid performers like the ones you see at Disney World or Six Flags Great Adventure. Finally, no matter how enamored you may be with a particular character, that does not give anyone the right to be around that person constantly. The person inside the fursuit could be someone's husband, wife, mate, etc. Boundaries should always be respected, otherwise, no one really wants you at the convention.