Jun 06, 2008 06:58



Two lovely little rainbow trout, in my kitchen sink prior to gutting. The bigger one put up a hell of a fight. The little one is dinner tonight. There were also two that I hooked and then lost.

We got rained on. I got very cold. And there was an osprey that followed us up and down the lake, hoping we'd throw something back.

Dad didn't catch anything. When we came back to the dock the little bay there was full of jumping fish going after this haze of mosquitoes on the water. Just everywhere. So he made one last ditch effort to catch something, but they just weren't interested in lures. He threw a fly out there, and was also ignored, and then he caught his regular rod with his fly rod, producing a ridiculous snarl that he could not, no matter what he did, manage to untie. He ended up having to cut it free.

So with the boat up on the trailer, in the rain, and having finally given up his battle to untie this stupid knot, my father turned back to the lake, where there were still fish jumping everywhere not twenty feet away, raised a couple of fingers to the sky and let out a theraputic, "FUCK YOUUUU."

I suggested on the drive back that he should have just stuck a net out over the side of the boat and waited for one to jump in.

dad, photos, fish

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