Jun 03, 2008 21:14
Last night I talked with my Dad, and we made tentative plans for fishing Thursday night after work, in his new boat.
And he mentioned that he'd spoken to the father of a friend of mine from high school, who happens to teach at Erica's school. The father, not the friend. And I got a little bit of news on Shoshanna, namely that she's been in South Africa teaching music, and is planning on adopting a couple of kids and bringing them back to Canada with her (she jokes that she's still working on the husband part), and if my father could give her father my email address, she'd love to get in touch with me again.
Which would be cool, so I said yes, sure.
Only after the fact did it occur to me that, holy fuck do I want to do this. I mean. Shoshanna is an absolutely great person. She's also very religious. And I had a little bit of a quiet panic where my train of thought was basically well-I-did-tell-her-I-was-queer-right? And-it-was-after-high-school-and-we'd-already-mostly-lost-touch-but-she-knows-right? And-it-was-our-mutual-friend-Vanessa-who-apparently-decided-to-quietly-ignore-me-from-then-on-and-not-Shoshanna-right?
I am scared to death. Over probably nothing. But I am.
So I'm going to focus on this fishing thing and hope for good weather.