(no subject)

May 04, 2007 21:30

I was poking through my book cupboard after putting away the last thing I've finished reading (Dune, which took far too long because I felt it necessary to stop in the middle and read twelve Terry Pratchet books first), and I was wondering what I was going to read next, and I was looking at my Asimov and thinking, hey, I picked up a copy of The Caves of Steel a bit ago and I ought to reread that, it's a good one, and then next to the Asimov is the L'Engle AND SHUT UP THIS SYSTEM MAKES PERFECT SENSE TO ME. So I thought that maybe I ought to shuffle some books around so I can get all my Madeleine L'Engle together, because Many Waters and A Swiftly Tilting Planet were unsorted as yet, so I said, okay, let's move the Jane Yolen, it makes no sense for it to be over here with the Dover Thrift Editions.

And I discovered a mutant book.

Pulling some books aside, I see "TWAIN" written on one of the Dover Thrift Editions, and I stop. Do I own any Mark Twain? Apparently I do. Where did I get it? When did I get it? What the holy fuck?

It's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. And I don't remember buying it. I really honestly and truly don't remember buying it. And I must've bought it, because it's not the sort of thing anyone else would have picked up for me. Actually, most people I know have given up on ever buying me books, because they're not convinced I don't already own everything ever. So I must've. And I suspect it was fairly recently, in the last few months. But I don't remember. And that's sort of worrying.

So I think that's what I'm reading next.

Also, I just had to go look up how to spell Connecticut. What the hell.

books, twain

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