Dave Duncan (who I've mentioned before) has a new book out! Mom picked it up in Kamloops, too, but I forgot to mention it.
And it's even a new series. The last series he was working on was the King's Blades stuff. I read the first two and lost interest. I liked the first book, but not so much the second. Still, it involved magical-stabbing-through-the-chest, which was cool.
The book is called Children of Chaos, and according to the back of the book, it takes place on a dodecehedral world. I am not sure how this works, exactly, especially when you go over the edge travelling from face to face (as the various parts of the world are called) but that is AWESOME.
I'm not very far into it, though so far it's cool. I get first crack at it because Mom's too busy for a novel at the moment.
According to the author blurb? Mr. Duncan is living in Victoria these days. I had no idea. Also, his picture in the back has a serious case of crazy-eye.
Idea: Road Trip To Victoria. I shall camp out on Mr. Duncan's lawn until he autographs my copy of The Cursed. Because, um, that's the only book I have that's actually my copy.