Jan 09, 2005 19:05
"I've lived a good chunck of my life in my head, away from the world" - Hawksley Workman
I love this quote, 'cause it's me! I'm the same way. I lived alot of my life in my head away from the world, especially writing music. I've sat in my room, many's the times, just playing music for hours, writing music, playing the same song for an hour, just because it's a release from the world, a great way to relax and forget about the things you don't like to think about. I sit in my room, with the colored lamp (that Harold gave me, it has one Red, Blue, and Black light), and I sit here with just them on and play instrumental music, and I will for the rest of my life, until I can no more, because it feels so goddamn good. I love the spontanious in music, to just sit and write something, let it flow from your body, it's really amazing. One of my favorite albums I have is "Lenny Breau - Cabin Fever". It's a recording done in a cabin in the middle of the woods. They got a generator, set up all the recording gear, sat him down with his guitar, and he just played, and they recorded it. I have to do that. It's incredible. And if you dont' know of this guy, Lenny Breau, you're missing out, he's one of the best guitarists of all time, and he also taught Randy Bauchman (of the Guess Who, and BTO) how to play guitar! What a teacher that'd be to have. WOW. CHEERS